Chapter 13

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***JOSH’S POV***

Ever since the ‘incident’, I think Ariana’s been fine. Her deeper cuts are starting to heal and the shallower ones are nearly gone.

I’ve been watching her more closely; to make sure she’s doing okay.


I’ve been trying to put on a brave face for Josh lately but inside I’m screaming. I don’t know what it is, but a painful sadness has come over my entire being. I don’t know how to stop it.

“Josh,” I walked out of the bedroom, “I’m going out to meet Brittany for dinner.”

“Okay. Text me if you need me, babe,” he smiled and gave me a kiss, his lips smooth and soft.

“Will do,” I smiled back. I walked out the door and down the sidewalk. It was already getting pretty dark, even though it was only 6:00.

I decided I’d take a shortcut through a few alleyways to the restaurant because the main route takes a full fifteen minutes more and I was already running a few minutes behind.

The first alley was fairly dark but bearable, and I made it through with no problem.

The second was extremely dark and almost impossible to see in even as I took my first few steps through it.

Tap, tap, tap…

I stopped and turned around, for it sounded as if I was being followed. But it was too dark to see if anyone was there, so I continued walking.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!

The footsteps were loud and evident now, and growing faster and closer. I attempted to quicken my pace, but as soon as I did I was grabbed around the waist by two strong hands.

“Someone help!“ I attempted to scream, before one of the hands flew over my mouth.

Whoever held me roughly turned me around and pushed me against a wall. I opened my eyes and saw the outline of his face, which was covered with a ski mask.  

I bit his hand “Get off me!” I screamed, the panic growing in my voice.

He slapped me across the face as hard as he could before placing both of his hands on my breasts.

“I said get off—“ he cut me off with a sloppy kiss. His breath reeked of alcohol.

He began unbuttoning my shirt as I attempted to squirm away from his grasp, which even I knew was a fleeting hope.

Before I knew it, he had completely undressed both my and himself. He took my jaw in his hand and pulled my face forward as he kissed me, while his other hand was sliding down my waist.

I woke up naked and alone, lying on the ground of the alley. The sun was already starting to rise. I looked down at my body, which was now thoroughly bruised and cut all over. My clothes were piled up on the ground beside me.

I crawled over to wear my pants lay and dug around in the pocket until I found my phone.

6 texts from Brittany, 8 texts from Josh, 6 missed calls from Brittany, 2 from Matt, 3 from Mike, 4 from Ian, and 19 from Josh. I immediately dialed Josh’s number.

He picked up on the first ring with urgency in his voice, “Where are you? Where the fuck have you been?”

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I braced myself for the words I was about to say: “I was raped.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment. He was probably trying to process what I just said.

“Josh?” I was crying now.

“Where are you? I’ll come get you.”

“The second alley off of Hastings,” I said quietly, still crying, “But I’ll walk over to the Tim Horton’s so it’s easier to find me.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in a few. Don’t cry, baby.”

He hung up after he said that.

I sat in Tim Horton’s for only about two minutes before Josh came bolting in. His eyes immediately found mine, and he quickened his pace to lead himself over to me. Without saying a word, he pulled me in for a hug and I quickly found myself crying again.

“I love you,” I whispered between sobs.

“I love you too,” he paused before sighing, “Let’s go home.”

I nodded and took his hand to stable myself as I stood. I was shaking all over and I’m almost sure that Josh noticed. Thankfully he didn’t say anything of it. In fact, neither of us said a word as we walked to his car and drove back to the apartment. 

[A/N: Sorry for another short chapter, guys.]

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