Chapter 2

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It took me at least an hour to get to sleep because I was too stuck on reliving every moment of the date, but then I slept really nicely until my alarm clock abruptly woke me.

I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to pour a glass of juice and check my phone. I smiled when I saw I had a text from Josh.

Goodmorning, sleepyhead. How’s about I stop by your work today?

He’s so cute. I started typing a reply:

Morning! I wouldn’t mind that at all. Hey, maybe I’ll even give you a discount on some candy.

This is so junior high. But I can’t say I don’t like it.

I stuck my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and walked back over to my bedroom and continue on to the closet, grabbing my work shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. My phone buzzed and I read a new text from none other than Josh.

Well I’ll see you whenever, then! :)

I didn’t bother replying and stepped into the bathroom to do my hair.

Before I knew it, I was on my way to work. It’s not too far from my apartment so I just walk most of the time. I stepped through the front door of the shop and see my coworkers, and good friends, Brittany and Sam organizing displays.

“Hey guys!” I say enthusiastically, “So I met a guy yesterday!”

Britanny looked up at me, smiling, “You’re kidding,” I shook my head, “Oh my god, Ariana! What’s his name?”

“Josh. He’s really cute.” I didn’t bother mentioning that he’s a celebrity, I guess she’d probably find that out when he came to the shop. She’s sort of a Marianas Trench fan.

“Awww, somebody’s got a crush!” Brittany squealed and hugged me before disappearing to the back of the store.

Sam sighed, “He better not break your heart like Logan did last time, Ari.” Logan’s my ex. He cheated on me. Sam punched him.

“He won’t, he’s a really great guy, believe it or not, Sam. In fact, you’ll see that today. He’s coming by the shop, actually,” I crossed my arms across my chest and stuck my tongue at him as I walked behind the counter to open the cash register. I began organizing the money and smiling to myself.

“Whatever, I’ll be the judge of that.”

The shop was actually really busy that morning. It was tiring but I was getting a lot of tips.

At around one in the afternoon, I saw a familiar silver haired guy walk through the door. Brittany was standing beside me.

“Oh my god, oh my god!” She whispered, “Ariana! That’s Josh Ramsay! Of Marianas Trench!” She jumped up and down.

“That’s also my date,” I smiled as I caught his eye. His whole face lit up and his pace quickened to get to me. Brittany’s face lit up, too. I somehow got her to shut up as I skipped to Josh and hugged him.

“Hey, Ariana,” he smiled down at me.

“Hi, Josh,” I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes.

“Hi, I’m a huge fan of you and your band!” Brittany butted in. Josh chuckled and said thank you and I shooed her to help some customers that had just walked in the door.

“Sorry about her,” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“No problem, gorgeous,” my heart fluttered, “Anyways, I just stopped by to see if you wanted to maybe join me and the rest of the guys tonight. We’re just gonna go to the bar across the street and chill. They really want to meet you, you know.”

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