Chapter 4

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(About two weeks later)

I softly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I let my head hang so I could dry my hair and continue to dry the rest of myself. I walked over to the mirror and started to comb out my hair and proceed to dress myself in baggy black sweatpants and an old grey tank top, which I probably bought back in high school. I opened the door and walked from the bathroom to the living room where he was sitting and looking at his phone, probably on twitter. He must’ve let himself in while I was in the shower.

“Hey, Josh,” I said with a smile and walked over to him.

His eyes popped up and locked onto me as his mouth developed a smile, “How was your shower?”

By then, I was sitting the arm of his chair and he put his arm gently around my waist to secure me.

“It was fine—refreshing. How was—“ I glanced at his phone, “Twitter?”

He chuckled and said “The fans are getting persistent for another session of ‘AskJosh’.”

“AKA, asshole answers,” I grinned at him and he blushed. His hair was messy, but still managed to look really good, “I’m going to make brunch. What would you like, babe?” I slowly stood up and gazed over my shoulder at him.

He made a face, “Chef Ariana, huh?” He said in his best mock-french accent, chuckling. He thought a moment, “How about pancakes?”

“Okay, we’ll be cliché Canadians, eh? Lots of maple syrup!” I laughed and lightly skipped into the kitchen.

I got the pancake mix out of the cupboard and started to prepare the batter. I turned the stove on and slipped the batter onto the pan. I turned on the radio and of course, I hear Josh’s voice blasting through the kitchen.

And I do want to show you I

Will run to you, to you till I

Can’t stand on my own anymore

I cross my heart and hope to die.

I sang along and heard Josh laughing in the living room.

I flipped the pancakes a few times and called it good. Before heading over to the table, I grabbed the maple syrup and called Josh into the kitchen.

“One sec!” I heard him say from the other room. I set the plates down on the table and sat down, beginning to smother my pancakes in syrup. Josh walked in and sat down next to me.

“Eat up,” I said before stuffing a piece of pancake in my mouth. Josh poured syrup all over his and took a bite.

“Not bad,” He said, his mouth full of pancake, “So what do you want to do today? I mean, it is kind of a special day,” He winked.

It’s our five month anniversary today. Brittany let me take the day off from work to spend it with Josh.

“You’re right. It is, babe,” I shot him a smile; “Maybe we’ll go for coffee after this and then see where we wanna go from there?” I suggested.

“Sounds, perfect.” He was just finishing up his pancakes and getting up from the table, plate in hand. He walked across the room over to the sink and began washing the dishes.

“Babe, you don’t have to do that!” I got up from the table and carried my plate with me as I walked over to Josh. I set it down on the counter and put my arms around his waist as he washed a plate.

“I know, but I want to. You cooked breakfast, I’ll clean up. Don’t worry about it!” He was finishing up on the last plate as he responded. He turned around and hugged me.

Maybe It Was Meant To Be (A Marianas Trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now