Part 3-Sick

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Viggo Grimborn, leader of the dragon hunters and one of the most powerful men in the world, was struck down, lying in bed. It wasn't from a battle wound, or a dragon's fire- no, it was only the flu.

The illness had made its appearance the day before and Viggo had tried to shrug it off, only to collapse off of his dragon in the middle of a battle. Embarrassing, but it would have been manageable if only he didn't feel even worse now.

Viggo was almost asleep when his stomach lurched, forcing him to stumble out of bed and to the waste container in the corner. Heaving for what seemed like an eternity, Viggo was dismayed to see it had done nothing but bring up some bile and make his throat ache.

Perhaps he would be lucky and this would be one of those twenty-four hour things. Viggo knew his body was strong, so it was ridiculous to be laid up by such a silly thing as illness, especially something so mundane as the flu.

With this thought, Viggo decided to head back on deck and show him men a strong face- if he was incapacitated too long some of his men who actually had some backbone might begin to whisper about taking matters into their own hands.

The dragon hunter pushed himself to his feet, cringing when his knees buckled and slammed against the deck. Growling, the viking forced himself to his feet and struggled to the door, leaning against it with his eyes closed.

No! Viggo shook himself, refusing to give in to sleep. Nobody's ever said a leader is entitled to rest, and they never will. Viggo cleared his throat, stepping through the door and shouting, "Look lively boys!" The men jumped and busied themselves with their work, nobody daring to comment on how awful Viggo still looked.

It was going to feel like crap, but Viggo wasn't a man to lay around while he had something important to do. So he stood on the deck, ignoring his weaknesses once again. 

*Silly Viggo! I hope you liked this bit about the stubborn dude XD*

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