Part 40- Regrets and Annoyance

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*Idea is from @Shiningheart_of_Thunderclan Thank you! I think this will be part 1 of a 2 or 3 part piece right now. I tweaked this a little from the initial prompt, but I hope y'all like it! Apologies for taking so long, finals are rough.*

Another. Freaking. Cave system. If Viggo had a gemstone for every time he got lost in one of these stupid things, he'd be the richest man in the archipelago. He trudged along, cursing under his breath and kicking rocks into the dark passageway again.

"Seriously, the dragon riders. In a cave. Again. And my idiot brother is too busy to watch which way I go..."

Ryker and Viggo had been bickering for hours that day, and even now Viggo was still stewing sourly.

The dragon riders had discovered Ryker and Viggo's troops and pursued them deep underground. Torches had been lost in the scuffle, and in the scramble to retreat and regroup from the surprise attack, Ryker had gone one way and Viggo had gone another. Some part of Viggo knew that it wasn't Ryker's fault, but he still blamed his brother for getting separated so easily. Now Viggo had a torch, but it was rapidly sputtering towards its demise, ready to leave Viggo in the dark once more. Well, at least he had Loki to keep him company.


Viggo was shocked out of his sulking by the sound of footsteps, and Loki hissed. "Is that you Ryker? I swear that if you ever do something that stupid again-

A figure stumbled into the light, and Viggo groaned. It wasn't his brother, it was one of the dragon riders, the one called Ruffnut. She blinked in the sudden torchlight, looking slightly dazed.

"Uhh... You aren't exactly the person I wanted to find." She took a step backward but then hesitated. "Are you lost too? Maybe we could do a trucey type thing for a bit to get out of here."

Viggo noted her lack of weapons and disheveled state. She didn't seem to be a threat...

"Fine. My torch won't last much longer anyway."

The two continued down the cave tunnel in uneasy silence for perhaps five minutes before Ruffnut noticed Loki. "Ooooh you have a little dragon!" She poked Loki's snout and grinned when he chirped at her. "Why do you have him?"

Viggo shrugged, not really wanting to talk. Just because he had a temporary truce with an enemy didn't mean he had to get chummy with her.

But Ruffnut would prove relentless, seeming to take Viggo's silence as permission to continue bothering him,

"Did you steal him? What's his name? He looks like... Odin? Maybe, we'll work on that. Where did you find him? Are you going to wait until he's bigger and eat him? Does he know that you're a dragon hunter but he just chooses to ignore it? Ooh I wonder what his views of your morality are. Do you want to play twenty questions?" Ruffnut elbowed Viggo and laughed loudly. "Nothing like a dark and depressing cave to foster bonding, huh?"

Viggo let out a slow breath and started walking faster. He was still irritated with his brother, but Viggo would much rather be with Ryker than this horrendous chatterbox of a dragon rider right now. He could just kill Ruffnut to shut her up, but it would slow him down. And honestly, she was annoying, but it seemed wrong to just cut her down. He could take this, just long enough to rejoin Ryker and his men.

"So you know that we've been going towards a dead end for like, a long time now right?"

Oh Odin. This was going to be a long walk... 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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