Part 21- Blindness (Part 2)

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"I found part of our medical kit, and maybe this stuff will help. It's supposed to be for burns but..." Ryker's large fingers pressed against Viggo's eyelids, smearing some sort of thick substance on them before wrapping a strip of cloth over them. "At least they're shielded a bit now. I explored the island while you were asleep, and it's actually pretty big. There's fresh water sources and lots of food sources, we should be okay if we need to stay here awhile."

Viggo nodded, sliding his right hand along the sand until he found his water skin. "I can fill that up for you-"

"No, I can do it myself, just take me to the freshwater. I am not going to be useless on this stupid island." Viggo stood and found Ryker's arm, stumbling a bit over loose stone and roots. "I could carry you." Viggo only growled in response and kept walking. "I can hear running water, are we close?" Ryker told him they were, then guided him into a crouch. "It's right in front of you now, stick your hands forward and you'll feel it. I'm going to try to find some small game and fruit to eat, just stay here."

Viggo sat by the side of the river, humming softly to himself and dipping his feet into the cool water. His water skin was full, and with nothing else to do, the Grimborn soon grew bored. Then a twig snapped behind him. "Ryker? Back already?"

Something warm and scaly pressed against his outstretched hand and Viggo jumped backward. A purr met his ears, and Viggo hesitated briefly before the warm hide met his hand again. "Uhh... You're definitely not Ryker. But what are you? Some sort of dragon?" The creature nudged Viggo's chest, making him stumble a little in the creek. "Hey, careful! I can't see what you're doing."

As if the dragon understood, it's mouth gently closed around his hand and pulled him out of the water. It purred gently and licked his face, wrapping large leathery wings around him as if he was a lost child.

Ryker walked back into the clearing and froze when he heard his brother laugh. "Viggo? What's going on?" Walking a little further in allowed Ryker to see the huge skrill towering over his little brother, and... licking him? "Hello brother! I met a nice dragon! I think it's a dragon? Well it seems to like me, so maybe we can ride it out of here."

Suddenly, Ryker recognized the dragon's odd behavior and started to laugh. "Yeah, it thinks you're its baby!" He doubled over, wheezing with laughter at the embarrassed look on his brother's face.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's grab supplies and get out of here."

As the brothers flew away from the island, Viggo could have sworn he could see a little light through the bandages over his eyes. "Ryker? Can you undo my blindfold?" Ryker obeyed, and Viggo opened his eyes. He gasped.

"Can you see?" Viggo nodded, grinning. "Kind of! But it's better than before. I bet Ola can help now that it's come back a bit." Before he could stop himself, Ryker gave his brother a quick hug. "I'm glad. Now, let's get you home." 

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