Scourge of Odin (part 3)

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Ryker watched the buffalord amble down the hill of the island, cursing it all the way. The stupid thing kept sending out huge flames whenever it saw him, and Ryker was too worried about breaking the special vial Ola had given him to try harder.

Watching Hiccup's group of riders capture the creature and collect its drool had been frustrating to say the least. If Ryker hadn't been trying to rush so much and had been able to take any soldiers with him, maybe he could have surrounded them to negotiate some sort of deal. But as it was, he was all alone, and powerless to use them. Unless...

Back at the ship, Ola studied Viggo's sleeping face with a frown of worry. She was covered head to toe with thick hide, a veil covering her face so that she could breath, but still be protected. After listening to Viggo cough and wheeze for countless hours she had given him a light sleeping draught, scared that anything stronger would be too much for the ill viking. Ola wished that she had the same level of protective gear for Ryker so that he could have seen his brother, but it came from a rare dragon species and it had taken forever for her to find enough for her own suit. Viggo had been asking for his brother all day, too out of his mind with fever to know that Ryker wasn't there.

Speaking of Ryker, he should have been back by now. Yet the skies and seas around her remained empty, and Viggo grew weaker by the day. Something must have gone wrong... Ola shook her head and finished her daily task of caring for Viggo- making sure he had water, was clean, and comfortable as possible. Then she stepped out of the room into the tiny adjoining hallway and carefully stripped off the protective clothing; thankfully Viggo hadn't coughed on her today, but she still needed to clean it thoroughly and hang it up. She did just that, then entered the main area of the ship, the slight hesitation of fear never leaving her step.


"Let me get this straight- Viggo is dying, and that's a bad thing?"

Hiccup could see the desperation in Ryker's eyes, and even as irritated as he was, he couldn't help but feel a stab of pity for the man. Ryker looked exhausted, and Hiccup knew that he had to be on his last legs if he was coming to him of all people for help.

"I know that he's done bad things. He and I both have. But... I'll do anything if you can help me save him. Anything at all. You know I wouldn't ask if I had any other options. I have tried and tried to catch that stupid dragon, and my brother is running out of time. Just- please."

Hiccup sighed, bringing his hands up to hide his face. He could just let Viggo die, and solve so many of his problems. And yet- was he really the kind of man to sit around and let someone die when he could do something about it? Whatever he made Ryker promise, Viggo would never stick to. But... oh, Thor. They had already cured Astrid after all.

"Take some and go."

Ryker's bowed head shot up. "What?"

"Take it. We have the buffalord in a temporary pen, we'll release it in a couple days. Go get the drool and leave."

Ryker apologized as quickly as he could and practically ran out the door, spirits soaring high.


Viggo opened with eyes with a sleepy sigh, rubbing at them to clear his view of his surroundings. What was going on? The last thing he remembered was feeling warm and congested, as if he had some sort of cold coming on. Now he felt mostly normal, if a little groggy.

"You're awake!" Ryker's strong arms were suddenly wrapped around Viggo, and the younger Grimborne smiled, still slightly confused. "Brother I... I was worried that I was too late to save you." Ryker chuckled, tears of happiness running down his face. "I thought that this sickness would take you, and that I would never see you again."

Putting together the pieces of what must have happened, Viggo tried and failed to maintain his gruff composure, finding himself shaking in his brother's embrace. "After everything we've been through? I would never go down like that."

Ryker simply pulled Viggo closer, hugging him so tight that he might never let go. "Good. I'm glad." 

*sappy and sweet XD thanks for being so patient y'all. Loves!*

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