Part 38- Kidnapped Again?

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Viggo sighed. Being tied up by sweaty thugs was getting very old very fast. Last thing he remembered was being on the deck of his ship, tucking Loki into his shirt so that he didn't get cold-

Where was Loki?

Suddenly frantic, Viggo twisted in his chair. His captors had left him alone in some sort of rocky cell, and there was nobody around to catch him before Viggo's movement made the chair fall over.

Viggo lay on his side on the ground, thankfully that nobody had witnessed him having such an embarrassing reaction. Loki was just a dragon, so why did he care so much?

"Peep peep!" A tiny nose emerged from an inner pocket of Viggo's shirt, and the viking sighed with relief. "You're lucky that they didn't find you." Loki peeped again and crawled out of Viggo's shirt. He walked over Viggo's face, seemingly realizing that Viggo was tied up and couldn't stop him, and sat on top of his hair, humming quietly. Odd little fellow.

Suddenly, Viggo could hear two sets of footsteps approaching from outside. "Loki! Hide!"

He tried to shake his head so the dragon would fall off and get back in his shirt, but Loki dug his claws into his scalp and chirped louder in protest.

On the other side of the door, Ryker and Ola shook with laughter, listening to Viggo yelp and shout, "Ow! Stop clawing me and get down you little rat! No don't eat that stop stop stop-

Ryker opened the door, holding his breath to stop laughing. Then he saw his brother lying on the floor, still tied to his chair with Loki on his face, and burst out laughing once again.

"W- we have the place s-s-surrounded!" Ryker bent over wheezing, and Ola moved past him to cut Viggo loose. "Sorry about him. We were at a party before we found out about your kidnapping, and, well, Ryker is still having a bit too much of a good time."

Loki peeped and climbed back onto Viggo's shoulder when he stood. Viggo glared at him, but it was half hearted and faded to a smile at the end.

Ola checked Viggo for injuries and snorted. "You weren't hurt by the kidnappers, but it looks like Loki did a number to your face. You need to be more careful around his claws."

"I was tied to a chair!" Viggo sputered, and Ola shook her head, still chuckling.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

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