Part 31- The Scourge of Odin (Part 1)

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*I amped up the illness a bit to make it more fun for myself lol XD have fun!*

At first, looking at the ship, nothing appeared to be wrong. Then the wind shifted, and the stench of death and sickness hit Viggo like a wall. At his side, Ryker turned away, and the crewmembers started gagging.

Viggo fought down his own urge to vomit and stepped onto the ship. He had gotten word of one of his crew ships floating as if abandoned just two days ago, and had flown out hoping to simply punish the men for dereliction of duty. Now, it seemed he would be planning their funerals.

The horrible smell increased exponentially as Viggo jumped the small gap between his ship and the other. He pulled open the door leading down to the quarters and recoiled, smacking into Ryker just behind him. "What, did you- oh."

A dead, bloated corpse lay on the steps leading into the belly of the ship, face twisted and disclosed so badly that it barely seemed human. Viggo stepped over it and continued down into the ships, checking each corpse for signs of life. The very last seaman, slumped over in a doorway, was still breathing when Viggo knelt beside him.

"What happened here?" Viggo grabbed the man's shirt and pulled his up into a sitting position. The man coughed, blood spraying from his mouth all over Viggo's face. "Sick... Odin..." The man took a final rattling breath and died. Viggo wiped the blood from his face and stood, frowning to himself. "Ryker? Have the bodies wrapped and given a proper sea burial. I will take the primary ship and head back immediately- I need to figure out what this is before it spreads."

As Ryker watched his brother sail away, he couldn't see the slight tremor in his hands. All Ryker could do was watch as the bodies were lowered into the cold gray waves, and push away his growing feelings of foreboding. 

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