Part 37-Baby Dragon Love

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The dragon was bright blue and shiny, but no bigger than Viggo's palm. It cheeped at him from a low hanging tree branch and Viggo frowned. Weren't these things supposed to be larger?

He shrugged; maybe his notes had just been off on the size. Or this one was a baby. It didn't matter to Viggo, he was only here to catch some and sell them to his southern trading partners anyway. He reached out to grab the dragon-

And startled when it climbed onto his hand willingly.

It's tiny claws caught in his skin a little, stinging, but Viggo found himself not caring. It... liked him? Weird. It was sort of cute though. It rapidly scampered up his sleeve and stopped at his shoulder, where it sat and chirped quietly in his ear.

Viggo tried to pull it off but it whined and dug further into his shirt. Finally Viggo gave up and left it there while his men moved through the caves and collected some of the bigger ones for sale. Apparently the southern traders wanted them to sell to rich women as pets.

The job was over quickly; the dragons didn't have fire or any obvious venom. Their only defense was sharp, needle-like claws, but they didn't seem much inclined to use them.

When it was time to leave the cave, Viggo tried once again to pry the tiny baby dragon off of him, but it clung on and its cries got louder and louder until Viggo once more gave up. He explained to Ryker loud enough for his soldiers to hear that it wasn't worth tearing his shirt. But really, Viggo just couldn't stand how sad it had sounded.

The option of killing the little dragon never came up.

Back at the ship, Ola poked and prodded the little dragon several times before shrugging and standing back. "Well, you might as well name him. Make sure he eats."

Viggo frowned. "Can't you take him? The species is intended as a women's pet."

Ola just laughed. "Maybe he sees your secret feminine side! But seriously, no I can't take him. He's obviously very attached to you, and what would I do with him around my medicines? He would just break everything. Better for you to just get used to him."

Later that night in his rooms, Viggo watched the dragon zip around like a flash of blue lightning, exploring his new home. His high pitched chirps and squeaks were becoming familiar, and Viggo found himself liking having the little guy around.

Viggo had decided to name the dragon Loki, and smiled when the boot he was exploring fell over. Maybe Loki would eventually get bigger and become something of a guard dog for Viggo, more than just a flying rat- more of a joke than a dragon, his crew liked to whisper.

But honestly? Viggo didn't care. Loki had barged into his life and was determined to stay. He had to be important, or useful, somehow.

This wasn't Viggo getting soft for some baby dragon. And he definitely didn't envision carrying Loki around on his shoulder everywhere he went from now on, or anything else so foolishly sentimental.

But if Loki happened to stick to Viggo like glue and refuse to leave? Well, how could he possibly refuse him? 

*Yeah, Viggo's totally getting soft XD hope y'all liked, and sorry for the long wait. Thanks for reading as always!*

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