Part 35- Hunter and the Hunted

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*I'm back baby back! Not sure how often I'll update, but I am officially back! Love you all too much to stay away I guess, lol XD might be a lil rusty... 

I took inspiration for this piece from @lydiagrimborn, I hope you don't mind that I changed it a bit! And thank you :3*

Viggo slammed into the wall with a cry, pinned down by a hulking figure in black. The assailant's hands were wrapped around his throat, and as much as Viggo struggled, their grip tightened by the second. Viggo could see black spots obscuring his vision as he gasped for air.

There had to be a way out. It couldn't end like this, not after everything else he'd been through.

Worse, Viggo had no idea who this man was, or who had sent him. He wasn't about to be murdered by the unknown.

There was a knife in the man's belt. If Viggo could just grab it-

The killer saw him groping for it and swung his arms, loosening his grip on Viggo's throat just long enough to slam him into the ground. This gave Viggo just enough time to take a gulp of air into his burning lungs- think, think! He had to think!

Well, he wasn't a Grimborn for nothing. The killer was beginning to tire from the fight, and his focus had narrowed to crushing Viggo's throat. This meant that he was vulnerable in other places that the stocky viking could exploit.

Viggo brought his knees up and jammed them into the killer's stomach, forcing him off. Viggo scrambled to his feet and the two men wrestled, desperately trying to be the first to grab the knife on the assailant's belt. In the struggle, Viggo's fingers caught in the other man's mask, and it flew across the room to reveal-

A woman? Tumbles of blond hair exploded out around her head in a curly halo that reached almost to her waist. Her eyes widened and she froze, but Viggo didn't hesitate to yank the knife away and tackle her to the ground, sitting on her chest.

"You would kill a woman?"

Her eyes were large and dark, but completely devoid of fear. Viggo growled and pressed the blade against her throat, nicking it just enough to draw blood. "Do not presume to know me. Who are you?"

"Nobody of importance."

Viggo snorted. "Sure. And who wants me dead?"

"A lot of people I'm sure." She grinned, even as Viggo's blade sank a little deeper into her skin.

"I'll ask one more time. If you don't give me a proper answer I'll simply hang your corpse from the front of my ship."

She seemed to believe him this time, and her grin morphed into a pout. "I work for Orgsten. He wants you gone so he can take over your dragon hunting territory. I'm just the lucky hunter he chose to take you down. Go ahead and kill me then."

She stared into Viggo's eyes, waiting for him to finish plunging the knife into her throat. Viggo knew he should do it, send a message...

But something stayed his hand. "Oh, Thor." He groaned, and stood back. "Get out."

She sat up, confused. "What?"

"I said leave! Take a message back to Orgsten saying that I won't be taken out so easily."

Nodding, she scrambled to her feet and took off.

Was Viggo a coward? If she had regained the advantage in the fight, Viggo had no doubts that he would be dead on the floor now. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to kill her.

Somehow, she reminded him of Ola...

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