Part 15-Toothache

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Ryker massaged his jaw, frowning at the dragon in the cage. Personally, he thought it was hideous- neon green, with bulging eyes and stunted wings- but Viggo liked it, so they would buy it. Apparently its blood had some sort of restorative property, so perhaps that excused its ugliness.

Besides the ugly dragon, Ryker had another issue- his jaw had been aching all day, and he suspected a bad tooth. "Are you done price negotiating now? Let's go back." Viggo eyed him strangely but shrugged. "Okay. I'll have the men load up the dragon."

Back on the ship, Viggo watched Ryker try to subtly massage his jaw again and rolled his eyes. "What's wrong with you? You've been off all day." Ryker hesitated, wanting to lie, but Viggo's gaze held him down. "I've had a toothache all day, and it's only getting worse. I might have to go see Ola about it, but you know I hate those pliers she uses."

Viggo sighed, regarding his brother with ill-disguised impatience. "Still, it will hurt less for her to pull it then if you let it rot until it falls out. Or I could take it out."

Ryker's head whipped up at this last statement. "What?"

"So you don't have to go to Ola. I can tell it's one closer to the front, I can just pull it." Viggo didn't know why he was offering to do it, but here he was. The Grimborn would never admit it, but he hated seeing Ryker scared, and anything related to dentistry terrified him.

"Fine. Just... do it fast okay?" There was a tremble in Ryker's voice, making Viggo smile a little despite himself. "Don't be such a baby. It'll take a second, tops. Just don't tell Ola or I'll never hear the end of it."

Viggo guided his brother into a chair and then spent several moments trying to get the right angle before finally climbing onto his brother's lap. Yes, it was as awkward as it sounds, but it worked. Before Ryker even had time to protest, Viggo had found the bad tooth and ripped it out.

"Oh." Besides the faint taste of blood, Ryker felt little more than relief. "Um, thanks." Viggo laughed at the shocked expression on his older brother's face. "See, not so bad."

Viggo pulled him up, still grinning. "Don't be such a baby next time and come to me when it first starts hurting. Come on now, let's go get that dragon settled."

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