You're late!

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Savannah'a P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of crying so I made my way out of bed and into Jayleigh's room, Jayleigh is my everything, my baby girl, my entire world.

"Morning baby girl" I cooed as I picked her up and placed her on my hip before making my way downstairs.

"Do you want captain crunch or lucky charms?" I asked her as I sat her at the table.

"Charms pwease"

"Okay, now mommy starts back at school today so Mrs Brown is going to look after you until I finish okay baby" I explained to her as I started getting her breakfast.

"Don't go momma" she cried.

"I'm sorry I have to, but I promise when I get home we can watch whatever movie you want" I placed her bowl in front of her and kissed her forehead before sitting next to her.

"Even Believe?"

I swear this kid has seen this a million times, I don't even know how she knows who Justin Bieber is because I don't listen to him.

"Even Believe" I smiled.

We started eating our breakfast but I had to know how she knows of Justin.

"Jay, how do you even know Justin Bieber?"

"Cas" she smiled.

I should have known she's so damn obsessed with him it's crazy, remind me to kill her when I see her later, not that I don't like Justin or anything but it's ALL she ever wants to watch, It's either Believe or Never Say Never.

"Of course" I laughed.

We finished eating breakfast so I put our bowls in the sink.

"Alright let's get you dressed then I'm going to have a shower, you can watch sponge bob while I get ready okay"

"Otay momma"

We went back upstairs to her room I decided to let her pick what she wants to wear. She chose black jeans, a denim coloured button up long sleeve with purple vans.

"Okay let's get you in the bath"

"YAY" she took of running to the bathroom so I followed her.

After bathing and dressing Jayleigh, I sat her on my bed and switched the TV on.

"Alright stay there I'll be quick"

I looked at the clock and it was already 8am, great I'm going to be late for my first day back.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed into black skinnys that had rips from the knees up, an aqua and black long sleeve checkered button up, with a white singlet that fit my body perfectly. I quickly did my hair which I just left down and went back into my room.

"Buttoned or unbuttoned?" I asked Jayleigh.

Yes I ask my 4 year old daughter for fashion advice, don't judge me.

"Open" she replied.

"Okay lets go back downstairs Mrs Brown should be here any time now"

"Okay" She jumped off the bed and followed me downstairs.

Not long after going down stairs, Mrs Brown arrived so I gave Jayleigh a kiss goodbye, then headed outside and got into my Jeep Wrangler and headed to school. I was already ten minutes late so I couldn't stop at Starbucks like I normally do.

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