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Savannah's P.O.V

I turned around and she had a smirked on her face.

"What?" I asked pissed off.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me, I've disliked that girl since the day I met her I know she's not right for you so I hired a PI to follow her and report if she does something out of the ordinary so when I received the photos he sent me I was shocked but after digging up a bit more information up about her I found out from a few people that she knows that she has cheated on you before"

"You know she's not right for me huh? Who the hell gives you the right to say who is and who isn't good enough for me? You kidnapped my daughter! What makes you think I'm going to believe you?"

"I have the pictures in my back pocket, you can have them if these kind gentleman get them for you"

I looked at the police officers and they nodded so I gave them a nod back indicating that I want the photos.

"She's not right for you, I'm not just saying that because I'm against what you stand for but I do mean it, you deserve someone way better"

"And I also deserve a better mother! Don't you dare stand there and talk shit about Demi! She's amazing and is wonderful with Jay, she's kind, funny, smart, beautiful, sweet and a very loving person, you don't know her like I do and if you were actually a decent mother you'd at least try to get to know the person that makes me happy when I'm sad so don't stand there and judge her when you don't even know her!" I grabbed the pictures off the officer then picked Jay up and walked to my car then headed home, I dropped Addison off at her place then went home.

Jay has been awfully quite since we've been home, it's been two hours and she has barley said a word to me, she just cuddled up to me and eventually fell asleep, I looked at the photos and it was snaps of Demi and 'sellybear' kissing in Dallas.

I pulled out my phone and sent Demi a text.

Hey Dems, please come home we need to talk -Savannah

I got up and took Jay to her bedroom then went and started getting myself a bowl of grapes, I was halfway through filling the bowl when the front door opened then closed, a few seconds later Demi appeared in the kitchen.

"Wow that was quick" I gave her a small smile which she returned, I grabbed my bowl of grapes and Demi's hand and led her to the lounge room, we both sat down and I ate a few grapes before I decided to talk.

"You know I trust you right?" I questioned.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well I found out who took Jay"

Her eyes went wide and a huge smile spread across her face.

"Really, who?"

"My mother"

She instantly frowned.

"Did you get her back? Is she okay? Is she here? Can I see her? What happened to your mother?" Demi fired question after question.

"Yes, she's shaken up but hopefully okay, yes she is here and you can see her later she's sleeping at the moment"

"Okay, and your mother?"

"See this is when the trust I have for you comes into mind, I told her something about when she gets thrown in jail it will be the happiest day of my life, I went to walk away but then she said something that made me stop, she said something about having a cheating girlfriend and something about it being a second time"

Demi's eyes went wide when I mentioned cheating for a second time.

"But of course I didn't believe her, that was until I was given these" I pulled out the the photos I was given and showed them for Demi.

"I can explain Sav! It's not what it looks like"

"Well that's why you're hear, I want you to confess"

"I don't need to confess anything because I didn't do anything but I will explain what happened, okay so I was bored and needed someone to hang out with so I called Selena and asked her to hang out with me, she agreed and we met at Starbucks everything was fine until we were walking and then the next minute Selena stopped and kissed me, I pushed her away as soon as I could, I know those pictures look bad but I promise I pushed her off"

"Okay, I believe you but the other day when you called me on Skype you blushed when Selena appeared, do you like her or something?"

"Hell no! I blushed because the loser was pretending that her hands were mine and your faces and she was making them kiss, I promise you that there is no romantic or sexual feelings for Selena, it's you and only you!"

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yes really, is this why you aren't wearing your promise ring?"

"Umm errm no, my mother didn't believe we were over so she asked for my ring, I'm sorry Dems I just wanted Jay back I didn't know what she was going to do with it"

"What did she do?"

"She threw it into the pond"

"Are we really over?" She questioned.

"Nope" I smiled.

"Well it looks like I have to get you another ring then hey?"

"I'm sorry"

"Hey it's fine beautiful, it's not your fault"

"But it's not fine, that ring would have cost a fortune, I don't want you wasting anymore money on me" I frowned.

"It's not a waste of money! I would spend all my money on you if I could but unfortunately there's bills" she smiled.

"You're too sweet" I pecked her lips and went to pull away but Demi stopped me and deepened the kiss.

I pulled away when I though of something.

"We're you going to tell me what happened if I didn't bring it up?" I questioned.

"Yes I was, I was planning on coming back this weekend and I was going to tell you then, I also thought about telling you the day I got back but it just wasn't the right time"

"I've missed you so much"

"I know, I'm sorry I stayed so long I was going to come back a week ago but Mads wanted me to stay longer"

"It's okay, did you have fun?"

"Yes but I'm glad to be home, I missed my girls"

"We missed you too" I smiled as Demi pulled me onto her lap so I am now straddling her, she smiled before connecting our lips eventually sliding her tongue into my mouth.

"I've missed kissing you"

"Me too Dems" I smiled.

"You've missed kissing yourself?" She asked being cheeky.

"Not what I meant and you know it" I flicked her nose.

"That hurt" she pouted.

"Sorry baby" I kissed her nose before starting another make out session.

We decided to watch a movie while we waited for Jay to wake up, but after watching two movies and she still wasn't awake.

"I'm going to check on Jay" I said while standing up.

"I'm coming!" Demi jumped up and followed me, once I reached Jay's door I heard slight noises coming from inside, I opened the door to find Jay playing with her barbies.

"Hey Jay, what are you doing?" I asked.



"Because I don't want to talk to anyone" she replied while playing with her dolls.

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