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Savannah's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see Marissa's face extremely close to mine, her eyes were closed and her lips pressed up against mine I felt her going to pull away so I put my hand on the back of her neck to stop her, I closed my eyes and kissed her back I felt her tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I allowed, our tongues explored each other's mouths until we needed to pull away to catch our breaths.

"Wow, umm I'm sorry" Marissa said scratching the back of her neck.

What the hell did I just do?

I just made out with my ex-girlfriends best friend!

"Uh umm we should get ready to go out" I said awkwardly.

"Uh yeah sure, can we keep this to ourselves please?"

I nodded and waited for Marissa to get off me which she did eventually.

"I'll just let the others know"

I nodded and went to the bathroom taking a shower thinking about what's happened since being in Dallas, I swear the only good thing that's happened in Dallas is meeting Rose and Katie, everything else has sucked.

After I finished getting ready I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs where everyone was waiting for me.

"Okay so bowling, laser tag, movies then dinner, everyone happy with that?" Dallas asked, everyone agreed except me I just stayed quite not really caring about what we were doing today.

Because there was so many of us I went with Rose and Katie in Katie's car while Demi Dallas, Maddie and Marissa went in Demi's car.

"You okay back there?" Rose asked while looking in the rear vision mirror.

"Yeah, just can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm going to miss the both of you" I sighed.

"You wanna tell her should I?" Katie asked Rose.

"Tell me what?"

"Katie got a promotion and has been offered a job in LA" Rose explained.

"That's great Katie! Wait what do you even do for a job?"

"In the process of becoming a music producer" Katie smiled.

"Sweet, so are you going to take the offer?"

"I'm planning on telling my parents about Katie and I tomorrow, they'll have a month to get used to it before Katie and I move to LA"

"Oh my god! That's the best news I've had in a while, I can't believe you are going to move to LA for Katie that's adorable"

"When you know you've found the one you'll do whatever it takes to make it work, Katie's my one, if she had to move to Antarctica I'd pack my bags in a heartbeat to follow her"

"Gosh stop being adorable!"

"I love you" Katie smiled and pecked Rose's lips as we pulled up to a red light.

Marissa's P.O.V

Don't hate me please!

I don't know what came over me, I'm straight goddammit! 

Her lips just looked so ugh, I don't know, kissable I guess.

Oh god Demi will kill me if she finds out!

It was awkward to stay the least around me and Sav and Dallas didn't help she actually made joke whilst we were bowling. 'Geez you two are so awkward around each other did you's get it on up in the room this morning?'.

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