Im going to get my girl back.

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Demi's P.O.V

I woke up feeling great, I got up and jumped into the shower and got ready for work. I haven't felt this good in ages, I guess that's what happens when you get something off your shoulders. I didn't have time for breakfast because I spent so long getting ready so I just grabbed an apple and headed to my car, I didn't even have time for starbucks so that sucks.

I got out of my car and headed inside and began to set up for today's lessons, I have grade 12 then grade 7 english before teaching grade 9 and 12 music.

After I had everything ready I decided to head to the teachers lunch room and made myself a coffee.

"Miss Lovato, good morning"

I spun around to see Mr Clarke the maths teacher standing there.

"Morning" I smiled "please call me Demi tho"

"Right, well Demi you can call me Ben"

"Well I better get going the bell is about to ring" I smiled.

"Hold up, are you free Friday night? Maybe I could take you out to diner"

"Sorry but I actually swing the opposite way" I smiled.

"Maybe I can change that" he smirked.

"I highly doubt it, I'm going to now" I walked past him and went to my classroom I made it just as the bell went, I stood at my desk and watched as they made their way in, I waited and waited for Savannah to walk it but it never happened.

"Savannah" I called out marking the roll.

"Not here" Cassidy replied.

"May I ask why?"

"Personal issues"


"Helping with Savannah's personal issues" Cassidy informed me.

I nodded and finished the rest of the roll call before starting the class.

The class went by pretty quick which suprised me I thought it was going to go by slow but I'm glad it didn't because I want to talk to Cassidy.

"Cassidy, can I speak to you for a moment please?"

"Sure" she smiled and told the others to go ahead.

"What's up?"

"Is Sav okay?"

"I'm not sure, she hasn't really spoken to anyone since the other day and she's not in town at the moment"

"Where is she?"

"New York"

"New York, why?"

"Look I don't think I should be talking to you about this, you've moved on Demi let her do the same"

"No I haven't, Alexa and I called it quits"

"What why?"

"We both agreed that it wasn't working and decided to just be friends"

"Oh, well Sav will probably kill me if I told you what's wrong with her"

"I'm not going to tell her, I still care about her Cas it hurts seeing her upset"

"Okay okay, meet at Starbucks at four?"

"I'll be there" I smiled.

Cassidy left so I decided to text Dallas, I have a free period before my next class so I need to kill some time.

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