Chapter 4

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The plane ride went fairly quickly due to the abundance of messages I was receiving from the girls and just about everyone else in town and the short conversations I had with Liam and Niall.  Zayn slept the whole time.  Thankfully, Harry and Louis avoided me and didn't look at me again once, not that I was checking or anything.

I also noticed Niall seemed to be interested with my phone's background.

"Who's that?" he said, tilting it towards him so he could see it better.

"That's Alexa, she's my best friend in the world." I look at the picture.  The two of us have our arms wrapped around each other, and we're in mid-laughter.  It had been her birthday dinner that night, and we both looked beautiful.

"Hmm." He set the phone back down and got up to go to the bathroom.

But as we were stepping off the jet, the pleasure that would give Alexa was the last thing I had on my mind.

All the boys stepped off in front of me besides Liam, and he moved aside to let me go before him.  Louis's fixing his hair with his fingers and turns around to look at me.  I automatically look down at my feet, and then look up.  He had looked away.

I turn to Liam once we hit the ground, "So where are all the screaming girls?" It's strangely quiet.

"Ah, you'll see," he says.  The look on his face worried me, could there really be that many?

A big black car pulls up and the boys start piling in, Liam letting me in front of him again.  There are six seats in the back.  Harry's sitting next to Zayn, Louis and Niall are sitting by themselves.  Louis looks up at me expectantly, and I automatically sit down next to Niall.  Niall turns around to look back at Louis, and they get up and switch spots.  Liam takes his spot next to Niall and smiles a little boy smile at me, acting like he has no idea what's going on.

"Hello, love," Louis says all up in my face.


He giggles to himself and pulls out his phone.  I look at him in disbelief, shake my head, and pull out my own phone.  He grabs it out of my hands.  I don't even try to take it back.

"Seriously." I say, expressionless. 

"Mhmm." he smiles with his mouth closed.  He's going through my messages again. "Should I send a picture to Molly or Hannah this time?"

"Doesn't matter. You're neither of their favorites," I say, turning the silent mode off and bitch mode on, but it's the truth.  Hannah likes Zayn and Molly likes Harry.

"Oh," he says, shrugging his shoulders, "then that just calls for both of them."

He holds the camera out in front of us, and I automatically smile.  I hate looking bad in pictures.

"Ahh, I know your weakness! See, we look cute!" He shows me the picture.

I don't say anything and he returns my phone. "Are you ready?"

"For what.."

"Oh here we go boys.." Harry says from the back, leaning forward in his seat.

I'm so confused.  And then there they are.  Probably about 200 girls waiting, screaming, and holding signs, all just for these boys.  I'm shocked.  I didn't know they're this big of a deal.

The security guard opens the gates at the end of the small road we're driving on, and him and his partner do their best to hold the girls back.  The driver starts to move forward and the girls seem to decide their lives are much more important than seeing some boys through a window.  At least most of them do.  They're slamming on the windows and trying to run after the car as it pulls onto the street.  I'm sitting there with my mouth wide open, shocked.

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