Chapter 17

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December 18th. Tour. I literally think all of them are about to pee their pants from exctiement. 

I got to see the tour bus and it’s unbelievable.  Me and Kendall have no idea what they’re going to wear, what they’re going to do, or what all they’re going to sing.  It must be “kept as a surprise until the show”, which we were planning on watching,  until I met a little girl.

Kendall and I had come to the venue together and-surprise-girls were crowding the gates.  We went to the security guard and waited for him to let us in, but he didn’t.  Kendall looked looked at me in confusion.  ”Uhm..can we-?” she pointed to the door.

“I’m sorry m’am, but do you really think I would let you girls through? Step back with the rest of them.”

“Wha-” I threw my hands up in frustration and called Louis.


“Come let us in.”

“But security shou-“

“They don’t.”

He hung up and appeared in the door behind the security guard’s gates.

“Hey, man, don’t you know who these girls are..”


He slipped his arm around my waist and the girls erupted.  ”Well,” he said, raising his voice to be heard, “this is my girlfriend, and that’s Liam’s girlfriend.  Remember their faces and don’t ever give them trouble again, alright? Thanks man.” He patted his back and we started to walk inside until I heard a faint voice coming from the crowd.

“Sarah! Sarah!” I turned around a girl about seven years old with curly brown hair was looking after me with the album in her hands.  I almost left her, but she was too adorable.

“Hold on, I’ll meet you guys in there okay?”

I walked to the girl and squatted in front of her so she’s slightly taller than me.

“Hi!” She threw her arms around my neck and I laughed.

“Hi sweetie, what’s your name?”

“Maddie.  Can you please sign my cd?” She threw her hands out and gave me their cd.

“Well sure, but don’t you want the boys to sign it, not me?”

“Well, I would love for them to, but I don’t want to annoy them.  They’re busy.”

I laughed.  ”That’s right, they are very busy.  Which one’s your favorite?”

“I like Harry.  We have the same hair.”

“Well you two do, now don’t you?”

She nodded her head excitedly.  ”Aren’t you Louis’s girlfriend?”

I smiled.  ”Yes, I am Louis’s girlfriend.”

“Is he a good boyfriend?”

“He is a very good boyfriend.”

“Are you two going to get married?” The seriousness on her face made me laugh.

“I don’t know about that sweetie.  Are you going to the show tonight?”

“No, my mommy said she couldn’t buy any tickets, but that’s okay.” She hung her head in slight disappointment.

“Is your mommy here?”

“No, just my sister, Lauren.” Her sister placed her arms on her shoulders and smiled at me. She looks about 14.

“Hi! Do you have a favorite?” 

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