Chapter 13

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It’s been two weeks since my birthday dinner and everything with Louis is going better than I could ever imagine, for it being two weeks.  He makes me happy and I feel really confident when I’m with him.  I trust him and I can tell he trusts me, and its extremely difficult for us to be separated.

But with tour coming up in a few days, it’s happening quite often.  They have to go to studios all the time or visit their venues to fix details.  When they’re not too far away, Kendall and I bring them lunch or just stop by to visit.  When they’re home, they’re extremely tired, but anxious and jittery for starting tour. Louis tries to come over as much as possible or skip meetings or rehearsals, but I never let him.  it’s his job, and he loves doing it.  And it comes before me.  i would never let myself come between the boys or their future, ever.

I haven’t talked to my mom at all about our plans for Christmas, but neither has she.  She’s been busy finishing last minute details since she’s been helping with the sound and lights lately.

Kendall and I have tickets to go to their show in Wolverhampton on December 21st, but the boys don’t know yet.

I’ve probably gained about 2,000 followers on twitter and tumblr due to the ever so present media.

Even as I’m sitting in my room reading through all the compliments, hate, and threat messages I’ve been getting, I still have a ringing noise in my ears form earlier that day.

Kendall and I brought the boys milkshakes while they were at a studio, and the word was somehow spread that they boys were there, and we were visiting.  There were probably 100 girls standing outside the studio, holding sings and preparing their cameras for when the boys would reveal themselves, which isn’t going to be any time soon.

We walk around to the back door, but not sneakily enough because a mob of the girls follow us.  They’re asking for pictures and autographs and if we can get the boys to come out and when they’re going to leave and if we can follow them on twitter.  We look at each other in annoyance and try knocking on the door, but we know they’ll just think it’s a mob of fans.

“Well this’ll be fun.” I pull out my phone and call Louis, and the girls notice.  They start screaming even louder and chanting his name.


“Can you come and open the back door?”


“Have someone open the back door!” I try and raise my voice over the crowd..


“Ugh!” I hang up on him.  ”Maybe we should’ve told them we were coming.” 

Maybe.” Kendall loos out over the growing crowd and I text Louis instead.

open the back door.

Are yo here?

no, I just want you to be trampled by your fans waiting outside.

Well that’s not nice.

come and open the door!


A minute later, the door opens a crack, but only me and Kendall notice.  I move my ear so I can hear what he’s saying.  On three.  One…Two…I count on my fingers so Kendall can see.  Three!

The door opens and me and Kendall slide in as quickly as possible, the girls erupting into even more screams and trying to push themselves inside the door.  He slams and locks it behind us.

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