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It wasn’t easy leaving, in fact it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Over the past three weeks, the girls and I had had group skype calls, individual skype calls, and basically spent every night with one or the other. Calls and texts were sent every day, and I didn’t have any problems trusting him, but I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone so much.

Every day I kept the ring on, mindlessly twisting it around when I thought of him. I didn’t sulk around like I thought I would, I was actually having fun back home, but he still never left my mind. I found myself more spontaneous and outgoing, as well as the girls, and the fact that we all hadn’t seen them in so long brought our unbreakable bond even tighter. 

I sat thinking about the past few weeks as I waited for his icon to turn green on my skype list, or one of the boys, he didn’t always use his, and when it did, I could barely count to a second before he called me.


He laughs, a smile across his face. “You’re in a good mood.”

“Is that not allowed?”

“I just wish it was because of me.”

“It’s always because of you.”

“Well, I do have some good news.”

“And that would be?” My stomach jumps at the thought of seeing him again.

“We actually are coming to the States soon..for quite awhile..and one of our photographers quit on us..”

A huge smile spreads across my face as I lean forward in my chair.

“When are you getting here?”

His face slightly falls. “I honestly have no clue, but there will be something at your door in one week.”

“I can wait a week.”

“Well you have no other choice.”

“It better be good Mr. Tomlinson, or I will be moody when I see you.”

“I can break any mood,” he says, a cocky grin spreading his face.

“That you can,” I shrug.

“I miss you.”

“I miss you, too.”


A week passes and the doorbell rings around 2. I look at the girls and raise my eyebrows, biting my bottom lip as I smile.

“Be right back!” I jump off the couch and watch as the girls smile at each other, slightly rolling their eyes.

I open the front door, not knowing what to see, but either way it was the least of what I expected. I take two steps forward, wrapping my arms around him, his smell bringing back even more memories and tears flood my eyes.

“What are you doing here?” 

“I told you there would be a surprise at your door.”

“But you didn’t tell me you!” I laughed, stepping back but not letting go.

“Tears aren’t necessary!” He wipes them away and I laugh.

“I missed you too much.” 

“It was unbearable.” I look back and forth between his eyes, realizing how much I missed the color.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming!” 

“We didn’t want to.”

“We…?” Louis slightly steps aside and I see Harry, Zayn, and Niall behind him, Harry waving sheepishly.

I give a little scream and run forward, hugging Harry before I pull back and punch his stomach, doing the same with the other boys.

“I can’t believe you’re all here!” I tuck my hair behind my ears, watching them all stand there, the biggest grins on their faces. “Wait-” I hold up my finger and run inside, walking to the girls.

“What was it?” Molly asks.

“Come with me, all of you need to see it.” They all look at each other slightly confused before standing up and following me.

“Couldn’t you have just brought it insi-” Alexa starts before looking out the door.

They all walk towards them, embracing each other just like Lou and I did.

“Welcome to Texas, boys.” I smile at Louis before pulling his hand inside.

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