Chapter 25

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None of the girls or Harry questioned what happened when I got back, and I didn’t talk about it.  It wasn’t something that needed to be talked about.  He checked up on me in the morning, but the rest of the day while he was getting ready for the party, we didn’t talk at all. We didn’t need to.  Nothing could be said after the night before, everything had been said.  He hadn’t pushed me farther than I wanted to go, he didn’t try for one second.  But it actually meant something to me, and nothing like that had happened with Nathan, or anyone else.  And it felt like it meant something to him, more than just ‘physical fun’. And that made it twenty times better.

As far as I know, the girls have been getting closer with the boys, but you can tell they’re timid considering their limited amount of time here, especially Molly.

Hannah and Alexa went over to Zayn’s house with Niall to spend the day together, whether they’re gong somewhere or not I have no idea.  Harry’s helping Louis with the party, so it’s just Molly and I.

“What do you think’s gonna happen to me and Harry?” She sits down on my bed.

“What do you mean?” I know how she brings up a topic, she asks a question, you ask her to elaborate, and everything comes out.

“I mean, when I leave! I mean I’m only supposed to be here for a little over a week, I doubt my mom will let me stay a whole week after.  And I mean, I guess it’s farther along then you would think it would be because of how long we were talking and skyping before, but how do I know I mean anything to him? He’s famous, and he’s a flirt.  And one I leave, he probably won’t care. I feel like I’m just an object to him.”

“Anything else?”

“I’m scared of what he’s going to want to do on New Year’s Eve.  Like, I mean, you know how he is.  And I trust him probably a lot more than I should and I’ve fallen for him a lot quicker than I should have.  And it’s not that I won’t do what he wants to, it’s just that’ i’m scared that I’ll regret it afterwards.”

“Do you want me to talk to him?”

“I want to know what you think of the whole situation. Completely honest.”

“First, I would never lie. And I honestly think he cares about you, a lot.  when he brought y’all here, it wasn’t just for me, and I saw that on his face. He wanted to see you too.  IT was obvious.  As for your limited amount of time here, I don’t think that will make that much of a difference to him.  They’re coming to America soon anyways, and if he really wants to see you before then, he would do anything to make it happen. Leaving is going to question how loyal your relationship is, always.  Especially with these boys. They have girls falling for them everywhere and they’ve never even met them in person.  Girls will ask for pictures, they’ll twist things he does.  But Harry is cheeky, he is a flirt.  But that doesn’t mean any of those girls mean anything to him.  You can’t freak out if you think something’s going on.  People will do everything they possible can to break you two apart, I would know.  But you can’t let them get to you.  Besides, he probably would’ve told me if he didn’t feel something for you.  He seems to tell me everything for some reason. And, I already threatened him, so..”

“What did you say?!”

I thought back to the lunch date. If you hurt Molly, you won’t have a cock, and laughed. “It’s nothing, I promise.”

“You always know what to say.” She gives me a hug.

“If only I knew how to solve my own problems…”

“You’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, well, let’s hope so.”


The rest of the day was uneventful, and we slept with no interruptions, knowing how late we’ll be up tonight.

“Can I talk to you?” My mom comes downstairs.

“Yeah, sure, what’s up?”

“So, how are you and Louis?”

“We’re good, we’re really good.”

“And the other girls with their boys?”

“Yeah, everything’s great. Why?”

“Oh, I just thought I’d ask.”

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“i’m worried about you going to this party tonight. All of you.”

I was waiting for this to come. “Why?”

“I don’t know who’s going to be there, I expect there to be lots of drinking going on, and I’m uncomfortable with the fact that you’re not legal at home.”

“Mom, it’ll be fine. I’m not going to lie to you, and we probably will end up drinking.  But we’re not going to go crazy about it, we’re all careful.  And I hate to tell you this, but we would be drinking at home.  I know what I always used to say, but-“

“I’m uncomfortable with what you’ll do once you start drinking.  I don’t want any of the boys taking advantage of any of you, and I don’t know how safe they’ll be.”

“Mom, are you referring to sex?”

“I don’t know what they’re going to try to do! People do things when they’re drunk and I-“

“Mom. I promise it’s not going to be that bad.  There will be other people there, and with Liam not drinking, nothing like that’s going to happen.  Everybody else would be saying I’m not a little girl anymore, but I still feel the need to make you proud.  And, I can’t have anyone else thinking I’m a slut.”

“People have called you that?”

“I think I’ve been called every possible word there is.”

“I feel like this is my fault, bringing you into a situation that you get hurt from.”

“The positives are stronger than the negatives. Don’t feel like it’s your fault.”

“You just used to care so much about what other people thought.”

“Certain people have taught me differently.  I’ll be alright mom.” I giver her a hug and she squeezes me back too strongly, just like always.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Well you better go get ready. You only have seven hours until you need to be there.”

“Psh, I only need six.”


It hits 3:00 and I find the rest of the girls. “It’s time to start getting ready!”

None of us understand how the next five hours go so quickly, but all I know is, the girls look flawless.

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