Chapter 30

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“I don’t want you guys to leave tomorrow.” The thought of the girls leaving is killing me, and I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow when they’re gone.

“We don’t want to leave either!” They’re throwing their things in their suitcases, Hannah and Alexa neatly, Molly just, well..throwing.

“Can’t you stay until tour ends? It’s only like..2 more weeks. Please.”

“I wish we could, honestly. But our parents haven’t seen us in forever.” I can tell they all want to stay, and I know there’s no way they’re going to, but everything will be so boring.

“I know, I know.”

I can also tell that Molly’s worried about her and Harry. Alexa and Hannah are alright with leaving, they trust their boys, but then again they don’t have as flirty of reputations as Harry.

“Hey, come here.” I pull Molly into another room away from the girls. “Why are you so worried?”

Her head rests back on her neck, obviously knowing what I’m talking about.

“Because. It’s Harry. I really really like him, Sarah, but how do I know I mean anything to him once I leave? I know he likes me, okay, I’ll take that. But if I’m not here and he doesn’t have to show it, I don’t know what’ll happen.”

“Molly, you’re going to have to let it go. Let’s say you guys get married, he’ll be everywhere all the time and you won’t always be able to go with him. You’ll have to trust him. But that’s the point of a relationship, right?”

She hugs me and takes a deep breath. “I know, I know.”

“And besides, I’ll be here, making sure he behaves himself. And they’ll come and visit when tour’s over, I can guarantee it. They apparently have some business over there anyways.”

“Kaaaay.” I can tell it’s not worry anymore, it’s the thought of being away from Harry for so long. But I already know his plans. She’ll hardly know he’s gone.

“Alright ladies, are you almost all packed?” My mom walks in the room.

“Almost.” They all answer in unison, something we’re all used to by now.

“Look, girls. I just want to say thank you for coming. You caused no trouble at all, and you helped keep Sarah entertained so she wasn’t so whiney.”

“Oh please, you’re just glad they were here so I wasn’t with Louis all the time.”

“Oh, I never said that.” She’s gotten used to him, and it’s more of a joking way, but she’s never understood the need to be with someone all the time.

“We’ve had a great time Mama C. Honestly, it could not have been any better.”

“Oh, girls I’m glad.” They all hug her and she leaves, but I notice she’s wearing something nicer than normal and I run to the doorframe.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“I actually am, uhm, going out to dinner..with someone.” 

“Oh. Okay. Have fun.” My mom has never said anything about getting close to anyone while we’ve been here, and I have no idea who she’s going with, but I let it go without pestering her. 

“Alright, the boys are supposed to be over in like, 30 minutes-ish?”

None of us really get ready anymore, it’s not worth it. When the boys arrive, we all cook our dinner together, turning the kitchen into a complete mess, ‘romantic moments’ happening with someone practically every second you turned around.

We’re sitting watching a movie, and I look over at each of the girls, laying in their boys’ arms, and I see tears streaming slowly down Molly’s face, but Harry doesn’t notice. She looks up at me and smiles slightly, and I pull myself out of Louis’s arms quickly. “Hold on.” I stand up and grab Molly’s arm, Harry asking what’s wrong but neither of us answer, and pull her into the kitchen where no one can see us.

“Molly, what is wrong?” I wipe her tears away with my thumb and she slightly laughs to herself.

“Why do I have to like him so much? I’m leaving tomorrow, and I honestly can’t imagine being that far away from him. Do you have any idea how surreal this situation is? He was an obsession, and now he’s reality. But being a whole ocean across from him again for god knows how long, never knowing when I’m going to get to see him, never knowing what he’s doing here, it’s going to suck! I’m not worried about the trust issues, I hate that I have to like him as much as I do.”

“Oh, Molly.” I slightly laugh and pull her into a hug, her laughing a little bit too.

“It’s stupid, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not stupid at all. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to leave Lou, but being upset is alright. We’re girls, it happens.”

“Thanks, again.” She pulls me into a hug again and I wipe away her last tears before we walk back to where everyone else is. Harry looks at her weird and she gives him a quick peck before settling down and watching the movie again, and he looks back at me in confusion. I shake my head slightly and do the same to Louis when he looks at me.


“It won’t be that long until I’m home, okay?” It’s cloudy and windy outside, and I have Louis’s scarf around my neck at the airport. 

Alexa wraps her arms around me, not letting go for a solid minute, us holding each other as if we won’t see each other for a year. “You know, without you, this wouldn’t have happened. So thank you.” She messes with her necklace from Christmas, her new habit. 

Hannah hugs me next, us burying our heads in each other’s shoulders, not exactly saying anything. We didn’t need to. We’ve always been able to know what the other person wants to say without saying it.

Molly embraces me lastly, her arms wrapped as tightly around me as they’ll go. “Thanks for helping me with everything. I wouldn’t know what to do in this situation if it weren’t for you.”

“Of course. Talk to me any time you start worrying, kay?”

The girls say goodbye to the boys, hugging each one, kissing their own. We all wave goodbye as they walk through the airport doors, and I stand their in the cold for a few seconds before Louis takes my hand and leads me back to the car.

“You’ll see them again soon, you know.”

“But that most likely means I won’t be with you.” He inhales and presses his lips together, looking down at me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

“It never matters how far apart we are. Ever.”

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