Chapter 21

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“I love this place, but I didn’t know you could on eat here.”

“You guys have your advantages.” We’re looking out over the skyline, our backs to the table. It’s unbelievable. The sky is black, but building lights stretch into the sky and car lights down the streets. 

The London Eye doesn’t normally serve dinner, they just do champagne and chocolates.  But Harry knowing Louis’s talked about it before, made some arrangements, and here the ten of us are, eating dinner on the London Eye. The typical ride time is either 30 minutes or an hour, but Harry got us for two. 

“I don’t think anyone has gone this far for my birthday before.” 

“I wasn’t really a part of it. It wasn’t my idea, I didn’t make any arrangements, for anything.”

“But you’re here.”

“This I am.” I look over at him, his hands resting on the railing, his blue eyes lit up with excitement. His hair’s laying perfectly, and his thin lips are pressed together in a slight permanent smile. He looks over at me and locks my eyes on his.

“You’re so perfect.” I break my gaze, knowing it’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard and look back over the horizon.

“I’m glad you think so.” He puts his arm around my waist, stepping slightly behind me and rests his chin on my head. 

“I mean it.” I close my eyes and smile slightly to myself, not wanting to move.

“Alright big man, get your big bum over here.” We turn around and Harry’s setting a cake on the table, twenty candles flickering patterns onto the table cloth.

After everyone sings happy birthday and we’re sitting around talking, Louis’s sipping his champagne really slowly.

“What are you doing?” Only he can hear me ask, but Harry looks up.

“What?” I can tell he wants to drink more.

“Drink as much as you want, don’t be a baby about it.”

“Never again at dinner. At the house, sure, but not here.” He drops the conversation, but its an extremely sweet gesture from him.


After our dinner, we all return to Harry and Louis’s house, and I go to Harry.

“Where’s Louis’s alcohol stash?”

He looks at me extremely confused, but points to the kitchen. “Past the kitchen take a left, there’s a small butler’s pantry on the right, everything he could ever want is there.”

“Thanks!” I turn on my heel and start walking towards the kitchen.

“Wait, Sarah.” I turn around and Harry takes a step towards me. “What are you doing?”

“It’s his birthday. He’s not going to drink anything at all with me around anymore, but I know he wants to.  It’s what he does at parties, it’s what he should do, especially when it’s his birthday.”

“You know he’s been extremely careful about it around you and he said he didn’t want to get wasted tonight, right?”

“That’s exactly the point. He won’t do anything until I tell him to. So if I bring him a drink, it’ll be fine.” I start walking again and turn around. “Harry, is it bad that I want to get my boyfriend drunk on his birthday?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “No, not at all.”

I find the pantry he was talking about and bring Louis a big drink, sitting it in his hands.

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