s e v e n : wait, when did I call you hot

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s e v e n : wait, when did I call you hot


Isabella's POV

It's been about three months since the last time I've talked to Aiden. Every day since he tickled me he's ignored me. The most he's done was grunt when I accidentally ran into him in the hallway a few days ago. Not that I mind. He distracted me anyways. Basically, all we do is scowl at each other whenever we make eye contact. I sit in my seat in the room and pull out a pencil and notebook. I start scribbling babble.

I haven't gotten to model yet because all I do is train. It's a lot harder then it looks. I give props to models. My professor walks in with another professor I've seen around the halls. He holds hands with the woman. Everyone perks up and looks at the two. "Today I'll be introducing my wife." Everyone mumbles hello and heys and few guys let a low whistle out. They were only a few years older than us. And yes, my professor wasn't too bad himself. Few girls make sure he knows that they're very fond of him. I look over at his group of fans and see they all look furious at the woman. Oh my god, this is great.

"Since break is tomorrow, we want to prepare you for what we'll be doing after you guys are back. My wife is another professor. We'll be combining our classes and doing something random. We'll be paring you guys up and you'll start as soon as your back. You'll find out the project at the end of the day." A few people let out some groans, others already half asleep.

I just pull out my phone and decide to text my best friend. I wonder if he's on break. Maybe we could meet up.

Hey Kyle, I miss you so much, you on break soon? I text, curious to see if he was free.

His message was almost instant. Hey, beautiful, I miss you more, and yes, tomorrow!

Me: I was thinking I could come and visit you, I have a bike and will make the trip out there. I could also visit my Ma.

As soon as I sent that text I was all happy thinking about what I could do when I get home. I need to calm down, people are going to think I'm crazy.

Kyle: Hell yeah! I even have my own house now, you can stay with me. I'll send you the address.

Me: Okay, I'll talk to my boss and let her know I'll be gone. I'll see you soon, I love you!

Kyle: I love you more Abeja, see you soon :).

I shake my head with a smile. I cannot fucking wait to see him. Maybe I can bring Rose? She hasn't talked about any plans. My thoughts are interrupted when loud chattering students burst through the door. They take up the empty seats and then the rest stand. But one black haired boy catches my eye. He turns around. Oh no.

"Now that everyone's in here we'll be choosing partners!" The women says way to eagerly. I internally groan and lean forward to pay attention.

"Dutch Roberts and Natalie Hellord, Robert Davis and Danzelle Smith, Luis Garcia and Loren Wilson, Lillian Johnson and Bethany Hughes, Dug Jones, and Harris Miller." Oh my god. There are too many students in this class. The people that have been called make their way to their partners. "Isabella and Elijah." Oh no. I make eye contact with the douche and he smirks at me.

The past three months all he's done was ask for sex, almost kiss me on the lips four times, and embarrass himself numerous times. I don't even know if he can have kids counting all the times I've kicked his balls. I cannot be partnered with him. I'm about to say something when my professor speaks up. "Looks like there's two Isabella's." I let a sigh of relief out, hoping I wasn't with Elijah. "Isabella Alfonso is with Elijah Harrison, Isabella Alvarez is with Aiden Santiago." I groan out loud. Everyone looks at me confused. I look back at them confused.

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