t w e l v e : i'm a girl what do you expect

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t w e l v e : i'm a girl what do you expect


Isabella's POV

I open my eyes to a fucking bright light. Once the light is out of my vision there are 4 pairs of very, very curious eyes, watching me. Two pairs are laced with concern. The other two, one laced with sorrow and love, the other, I can't tell. He was always a closed book.

"Holy fucking shit. Are you okay?" Kyle asks pulling me into his tight embrace. I hugged him back. Then my body tensed up. I quickly let go and put distance between me and them. Since I felt too weak to stand, I stayed on the floor. I look at everyone. "A-Are you guys really alive?" I ask. The boys look at me weirdly. Rose's face drops. "Oh baby, you were dreaming. It wasn't real." I look at her, the vivid memories flashing through my mind. I close my eyes, the memories becoming much more vivid. I fling my eyes open and look at my hands. No blood. Was it really a dream? But it felt so real..

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to ruin this trip. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I mean, I don't even remember going to sleep." I look at my lap. "I'm sorry," I whisper. By now Kyle and Rose were by me hugging me. Alex came over and hugged me as well. "It's okay Isa." I smile. They finally let me go and sit back in the beach chairs. Aiden still stands there, watching me intensely. I stand up, not meeting his eyes. As I start walking back to the car, I silently hope Aiden follows. But as I turn around he's gone. Not even with anyone else. I sigh but continue walking to the car. Carefully watching my surroundings, making sure no white vans were about to pull up.

I make it to the car, and start searching through the glove department. I find the ibuprofen and take two. I sit in the passenger's seat and then close the door. I reach back and get water, chugging it. I finish and lean my head back on the headrest. What do I do now?

They're going to want to know. At least Aiden and Alex will. I still haven't told them. But they're all going to want to know about the damn dream. But I don't know if I have the courage to do that. I had a bad dream, and obviously reacted in my sleep, and Aiden just walked away. I really could've used his hug, but it's fine. I mean it's really not, a simple hug is all I w-

"Hey." A deep voice interrupts my thoughts. He sits in the driver's seat. I open my eyes and look at him. He doesn't smile. An expression I've never seen sits on his face. "I'm sorry." He says. I look into his eyes, not saying anything. He sighs. "I shouldn't have walked away like that." I shrug. "You didn't have to hug or comfort me. I hate when people pity me." He shakes his head. "Still. You looked so scared. I'd never seen anyone look so scared from a dream. And when you asked if we were alive and looked at your hands, too many scenarios popped up in my head." I smile lightly.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep." He says. I laugh lightly, then nod. "Well, the things you were saying were pretty scary. Man, we were trying hard to wake you up without hurting you. Finally, we decided to shake you. It didn't work for a good minute. You really had us scared." He says, matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry. Wasn't the intention." I reply blankly. "Don't apologize." He says. I shrug. Then he turns his body to look at me. "What's wrong. You're not normal." He says I laugh louder this time. "Or are you." He whispers, with the cutest confused look ever. I start laughing even louder. "Bro. What's up with your emotions?" He asks. I smile. "I'm a girl, what do you expect." He sighs. "That's a stereotype. I didn't want to be one of those guys." I shrug. "Well in my case, it's not a stereotype, it's a normal thing." He smiles. "Of course it is."

After a few minutes, he asks the question I've been dreading. "What are your dreams about?" I sigh. "Come with me, I need to tell Alex anyways." He nods. We get out of the car. As Aiden rounds the car, he makes his way to me. He watches me intensely for a second, before deciding to throw his arm around my shoulder. I welcome him with warm arms. I know my pleads are useless against him.

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