t h i r t e e n : oh my god my prince thank you

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t h i r t e e n : oh my god my prince thank you


Isabella's POV

I wake up in a comfy marshmallow. The blanket engulfing me. As I sit up and realize I'm in the middle of a bed, I also realized that we're back in the hotel. I look to my left and don't see a sleeping Rose. In fact, I see a sleeping Aiden. I almost yelp, but then got to thinking why Alex was in my room, and why I was in their room. Then I realized there's only one bed in each of our rooms. Gross guys.

And that's when I notice the weight of an arm, laid across my waist.

I almost yelp, but I realize he's sleeping peacefully. I look down at him. His eyes are shut so lightly, his lips parted. His hair falls over his face. Making him look so serene. My fingers itch to play with his hair. I reach my hand out and start at his forehead. I put my fingers in his hair, and just brush it with my fingers. It was so soft, so addicting. Yes, his hair was addicting to run my fingers through.

I lay back down and snuggle into him. His arm automatically wraps around me and pulls me flush against his body. My hand still plays with his hair when I realize something. There are eyes the color of sea-green waters staring at me. Those sea-green eyes find mine and they sparkle. My heart races. Had he been awake for the entire time?! Oh no. Oh no no no.

He's going to think I'm even weirder. I retract my hand and I try scooting away slowly. He grabs my wrist, his fingers closing in on it. "Keep doing it." Is all he says. I look at him, scared almost. Amusement clouds those sea-green orbs. "My hair." He says, groggily. I smile lightly. Oh. I put my hand back into his hair and continue playing with it. I try not to make eye contact, it'd make this even more awkward.

But he just stares at me. I look back at his eyes for a little bit. I can't tell if he looks at me with admiration or guilt. I look away once more because his stare was too powerful. The hand that was around my waist is now caressing my cheek. He forces me to look into his eyes. I close mine and open them again, then I look at my hand. "Why do you do that?" He asks. "Do what?" I ask, seriously.

I look him in the eyes and look back at my hand. "That." "Oh." He laughs quietly. "Yeah oh." I sigh. "Y-You're gaze is too powerful, I'm not strong enough to hold your stare." He looks at me weirdly. "Oh?" I smile. "That's my best explanation."

The hand that was caressing my cheek his sprawled over my waist again. Except for this time, his hand is somewhere it shouldn't be. He squeezes my ass and I actually yelp. "AIDEN!" I shriek. He falls into a fit of laughter. "Y-You're so innocent Munchkin." He says in between laughs.

"I am not!" I say, defending myself. He laughs even harder. He leans into my ear and whispers "Then prove it." And man am I having major dejá vu right now. Definitely not going down that path again. I think of ways I could prove myself. Aha.

I get up on my knees. I push him so he's laying flat. I get on top of him. My butt basically on his dick. My knees keep me up. His eyes widen as I do this all in one quick motion. I smile evilly at him. Then I place my hands on his stomach. 'I finally get to touch these abs', is all I think at the moment. It's the only thing keeping me going right now.

I slowly start placing my hands up his torso. Now my boobs are flat on his chest and my face is at his chin. My hands hold me up. He looks at me, it's almost enough to make me continue. Then I realize we're only friends and this shouldn't be happening. But a little teasing would be fun. I pecked his chin with my lips, he lets out a small moan. Then I hop off and run out the door.

I run to my room, hoping I don't walk in on anything that'll scar my little virgin eyes. I had to get away from Aiden, I was desperate. So as I walked into the room I shielded my eyes. "Whatever the fuck you two are doing, I'm in here to stay, so please stop." I hear a deep rumble. I carefully take my hand away from my eyes. I see Alex laughing, fully clothed. I look at Rose, fully clothed, laughing as well. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

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