t w e n t y t w o : alex, in a tuxedo?

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t w e n t y t w o : alex, in a tuxedo?


Aiden's POV

"What the hell happened?" I ask, breaking the silence. She looks out my window, there hadn't been any damage, to anyone thankfully. "Some guy ran a red light, we were about to run right into his car, but I tried my best to, save us I guess you could say?" I smile lightly. "I'm sorry about your wheels though, you're going to have to get new ones." She says. I look at her dumbfounded. "That's what you're worried about?!" I say exasperated. She smiles sheepishly. "I didn't want you to be mad at me." I laugh. "I couldn't be mad at you. Especially in a situation like this. You probably saved both of our lives. If anything, I should be thanking you." She smiles brightly. Then looks in her lap. "Today has been such a roller coaster." I scoff. "Agreed."I buckle myself once more, then turn the car around, my tires would be fine until we get home. I keep my full attention on the road the entire time. I noticed every time I pushed the brake, she flinched. I really hope that she'll grow out of that, it makes me sad knowing I did that to her. God, I really need to leave her alone. I'm always doing something that can mess with her future. What type of guy am I if I mess up her future?

Isabella's POV

We finally pull into Cane's and we both get out of the car relieved. I run to the door and open it hesitantly. Once I made sure no one was on the other side I walk in. I take a whiff and smile. I get in line, and Aiden stands beside me. I didn't have to look up to know he was smiling down at me. "You're cute when you're excited." He whispers. I honestly wasn't expecting that and it totally catches me off guard. I stop fidgeting and look up at him. He smirks. I awkwardly smile and look back down to my feet. He laughs and throws his arm around my shoulder. I smile to myself. He starts to move forward and I do as well. I look up and see a lady probably in her late fifties smiling. I smile and look up at Aiden. "What would you like my dear?" She says to me. I tell her my order and then grab my cup. "You baby?" She asks, looking at Aiden. His cheeks redden a little bit and I laugh under my breath.

"Is that it kids?" She says, I nod and pull out my wallet. I look up and see Aiden already handing her a twenty dollar bill. "Keep the change." He whispers. I put my wallet back into my pants. I look up at Aiden and pout. "Why do you always pay? You know I can." He smiles as the lady hands me the cups. He ignores me and pushes me to the fountain.

"You guys are super cute." I look to my side and see another elderly woman getting her drink. My cheeks get warm and she smiles. "Oh no, we're just fri-" "Friends yeah. I can't even count on two hands how many times I've heard that." I shut my mouth. She laughs. "He's a keeper." The lady says one last time before leaving. I nod and then get our drinks. As I walk to the table Aiden sat at with our food, I almost trip and fall, but someone catches me. Once I regain my balance and make sure I hadn't spilled the soda, I look up. Of course, it was someone cute. He smiles at me and his teeth were absolutely perfect.

I have major anxiety, no way I'll be able to be smooth about this. "I-I"m so sorry, I was daydreaming, and wasn't watching where I was going, are you okay?" I ramble. The guy laughs. "I'm perfectly fine, are you okay?" I smile and nod. "Then we're good." He beams. I smile and nod thankfully. Then I go and sit opposite of Aiden.

"Who was that?" He questions. I scoff. "I don't know, I tripped and he caught me, problem?" He shakes his head. "Nope," I nod. "Good," Then I give him his drink and take my food. "Thanks." He nods. "Anytime." What's up with him? "Why you so quiet?" I question. He lifts a shoulder. "Just thinking about the trip." Lies. "Oh. What about the trip?" He snaps. "Does it matter?!" Ahah. "So something is wrong. I'll keep annoying you if you don't tell me." He sighs loudly before letting his head drop onto the table. "Nothing, you're just really annoying." Okay ouch. I'll admit that hurt just a bit. "Didn't I say I'd annoy you until you told me?" He laughs. "I told you nothing's wrong. Just not a great day." I quickly roll my eyes. "Yeah, no kidding," I mumble.

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