t w e n t y s i x : humorous eyes

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t w e n t y s i x : humorous eyes


Isabella's POV

I watch as Aiden's humorous eyes darken and a fire burns behind them. I don't move, I couldn't. How the hell was he here, at this exact place, at this exact time? I swear to god he better not be following me. I stare at Aiden with scared, wondering eyes. "What the hell do you want Tyler?" He growls. My eyes widen. How did he know his name?

"Long time no see my old friend. How have you been?" He asks, weirdly nicely. Aiden scoffs. "We were never friends and never will be," Tyler laughs and I never hated that laugh more than now. "How cliche, that you two are here, together." Aiden looks at me confused. "You know him?" He whispers. I nod my head shamefully. Aiden is probably more confused than ever.

Tyler laughs. I take a deep breath in and calm my nerves. I look at Aiden's cute confused facial expression, and laugh, easing my hectic mind even more. I close my eyes and stand up. I turn around and look up. There he was. The one ex that everyone had. The one you loved more than yourself at one point, the one you'd once do anything for, the one, that was absolutely nothing in every way possible to you. He looks me up and down and smiles. "I see you finally cut your hair," He licks his lips. "You're a lot hotter." I shake my head. "Don't look at me like that," He smiles. "I love how different you are, it's intriguing. Hey, you still in soccer?" I don't answer him.

"I take that as yes." He looks me up and down once more. "Definitely keeps you in shape," He mumbles. I look up at him then punch his chest as hard as I could. I hated him. Aiden's large hand wraps around my bicep, pulling me away and behind him. He turns around, cupping my face. "You're okay." He says, looking me in the eyes. His jaw was clenched harder than ever before, but I nod. He gives me a small smirk and I wrap my arms around him, squeezing.

His body freezes, but reacts quickly, and hugs me back. He stands to his full height, then turns around. "Ew," Tyler comments looking between Aiden and I. "Don't tell me you're a thing, eww," I roll my eyes. Why so childish? "I suggest you leave and never talk or come near Isa ever again." As I looked between both guys, I noticed Aiden had a few inches on Tyler, but Tyler was leaner. He did have some muscle, but he was always thin, so it just made Aiden look a little thicker. I smile to myself. Aiden's broad shoulders put any muscle on Tyler to shame. I smirk.

I hadn't noticed, but the guys were fighting with each other and I looked around to see all tables staring at us. My whole body is on fire. This was not happening. I see Aiden's fists ball and I run in between them. "Do not," I say sternly, my head toward the ground. "Not here." Tyler scoffs and backs up. "You're lucky she was here man," He says one last time before fully exiting the building. Aiden's chest still heaved. I looked up at him through my lashes. He watched the door for a second more but looked down at me as I put my hands on his chest.

I smile, then lay my head onto his chest, resting my hands behind him. "He's gone you're okay," I mumble. Aiden let's out a low chuckle. "I'm sorry for making a scene." I laugh. It was already done so what's the point of trying to make it better? I sit down, and Aiden sits back down. I looked around and every table, booth, and waiter was staring. My cheeks burn with embarrassment. Aiden smiles. "Sorry folks, get back to eating." He says calmly. Everyone does as he says and Aiden looks back to my eyes.

"You were pretty hot standing up to Tyler," I say, getting his full attention. He shakes his head. "Only you would say that." I shrug smirking. The waitress finally brings our food and I start scarfing it down. "Slow down munchkin, you're going to cho-" I start choking on my food. I spit whatever I was choking on into my napkin. I look up at Aiden sheepishly. "I was hungry..." He shakes his head smiling. "Oh, I couldn't tell." I roll my eyes and continue to eat, but slower.

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