t w e n t y n i n e : honey i'm hoMM- ahhh! ma it's me!

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t w e n t y n i n e : honey i'm hoMM- ahhh! ma it's me!


Isabella's POV

After spending a good three hours, looking at animals, eating from food trucks, and going on kid rides, we decide it's time to go home. We drive to the penthouse, and Rose and Alex drive back to their house. Rose and I promised to have a sleepover soon. As we get into his house I plop onto his big couch. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up around six-twenty so we can pick up my family." He nods walking into the kitchen. I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless sleep.

"YO WAKE YOUR LITTLE ASS UP!" He screams. I hear him banging pots together, and I clench my teeth. "OKAY!" I yell back angrily. He comes into the living room, smiling. I shake my head and slowly wake up. I get off the couch and smooth my hair. "Let's go Munchkin," He says grabbing his keys and walking toward the elevator. I quickly follow behind and we get in the car. I have an SUV following us because there would never be enough room in Aiden's car.

We walk into the airport and go to the gate they'd be getting off at. As we wait, Aiden just stares at me smiling. I look at him and smile. "Yes?" I ask. He shrugs. "You're beautiful," I'd blush, but he's never this nice. I have to have something on my face. I grab his phone and use it as a mirror. There was nothing. "You're serious?" He nods. This time I do blush. Aiden perks up and looks behind me. I'm about to, but he stands up and holds a rose out in front of me. I look at him questionably. "Will you be my girl," My heart stops. "Girly." He bursts into laughter. "You should've seen your face!" He says. My face drops and I slap his shoulder so hard he actually says ow. "You can't just play with a girl's heart like that," I say angrily. I put my focus on the ground.

He sits down. "Too far?" He questions. I ignore him. He continues to ask questions but I ignore him. Feet cloud my vision of the white tiles. I look up and guess who I see? "CARLOS!" I scream. He smiles, and I jump to my feet. I throw my arms around him and squeeze. "Oh my god!" Tears start to fall. "I've missed you so much," I say quietly. He laughs. "Are you really crying?" He says pulling back to see me. I nod and laugh. He smiles. "Good to know I was missed." I slap the back of his head lightly. He lets go laughing. "Auntie Bella!" A voice yells. My heart pounds quicker. A boy runs to me and I squeeze him tightly. "How are you baby?" He laughs. "I'm not a baby! But I'm great, I missed you!" I laugh. "I missed you too buddy." He pulls away and runs to his dad. "Hello, Isabella." A woman's voice says happily. I wipe my nose and stand up to full height. She walks into my embrace. "Natalia!" She laughs. "I missed you too beautiful." I pull back and smile.

She walks to her family. I turn around. "Oh! Meet Aiden, my best friend." I say. Hurt crosses his features and I smile. That's what he gets for teasing me like that. He turns to my brother and they do a manly handshake and nod thing. He hugs Natalia and gives Valentino a high five. "Nice to meet you," Natalia says. "You as well." He says back. "That's my brother, his wife, and kid." He nods at me. I turn around and they stand behind me. Kyle comes to me first and I give him a huge hug. He hugs back almost killing me. "Abeja!" I smile. "Kyle!" We laugh. My Ma and Abuela come out and I lightly hug them both. They all say hello to Aiden and we go to the cars. Kyle and Valentino ride with Aiden and I. Ma and Abuela ride with my brother and his wife in the SUV.

Aiden drives to a hotel and we help bring everybody's bags in. Kyle gets his own room, while Ma and Abuela share, and the Alvarez's share. Valentino didn't want to share, but he finally agreed after being bribed. We all talk about the flight, then decide it's probably time for bed. Aiden and I leave but instead of going to his house, he drives us to Wendy's close to the college. "I have stuff at your house I need before you drop me off here," I say blankly. I still wasn't talking to him.

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