e i g h t e e n : munchkin! i'm not killing you!

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e i g h t e e n : munchkin! i'm not killing you!


Isabella's POV

As I walked up the front porch steps with Aiden, I had nervous butterflies in my stomach. What were we doing here? Is he going to kill me? Man, I didn't even get to lose my virginity yet. Or get an actual good boyfriend, or have a kid, or even get my own house. Ugh. I guess it has been an okay nineteen years of life. Sorry, Luna, I'll see you in the afterlife one da-

"Munchkin! I'm not killing you, please keep those thoughts to yourself." Holy fucking shit. I didn't just say all that out loud. "Oh yes you did and you just said that out loud as well. Girl what's your problem." My eyes bulge. Oh my god. I look up at him as we make it to the door. "W-Whats happening?" I ask, still kind of scared. He laughs. "You'll see." I don't smile. I'm still not very comfortable.

He does a special knock and not even a split second later, a girl probably fourteen years old opens the door quicker than lighting. "AIDEN." She screams and then runs into his arms. His smile is the best thing ever. He holds her in his arms, hugging her. Another girl about the same age and looks exactly like the first one comes running out.

Wait. Two. What?

She is also in Aiden's arms as I look at the girl's to make sure I'm not going crazy. He sets them down and they both look at me. Aiden looks at them and then me. He laughs. "Oh, Rylli, Ronni, this is Munch- Isabella. She goes to school with me and she's a good friend, that's why she's here with me. Don't worry, your safe, she's very nice." Both girls smile and walk up to me. They whisper to each other. "Aiden's never brought a girl home before." I smile from ear to ear because I heard them. I don't think Aiden did, but I'm glad he didn't because he'd probably ruin this moment.

"I'm Rylli." The first one I saw earlier says. "I'm Ronni." The second one says. I'm in awe how much they look alike. They both have long wavy black hair, perfect black eyebrows, same green orbs as Aiden, perfect small button noses, and full lips. To say I was jealous of their looks is an understatement. The only way I could tell them apart was one had a necklace and a dress on. The other had earrings and shorts and a tank on.

They had the nicest tan skin that matched their looks. I smile. "I'm Isabella, and you two are so fuc- freaking pretty it's amazing," I say. Aiden starts laughing. "You can curse in front of them. I fucking curse all the time in front of them."

"AIDEN! Language!" A woman yells from inside. Aiden goes tense, and his face pales. I bite my lip to hold in my laugh. This is gold. The girls both hold in their laugh as well. A short blue-eyed, blonde woman walks out of the house. She had a short blonde bob, that fit her face perfectly. Diamonds covered her neck, ears, and her fingers.

She walks outside and looks at Aiden. She walks over to him and he hugs her. "Oh Aiden, my baby, I missed you." I snort because I was trying too hard to hold in my laughter. Aiden looks at me and sends daggers. The blonde woman turns around and smiles at me. But she turns and looks at Aiden. "She's good. I wouldn't have brought her if she was bad." His mom nods and walks over to me.

She cups my face and looks me in the eyes. My eyes widen and I sit still, not knowing what to do. "Aiden hasn't brought a girl home in so long." She mumbles. I smile awkwardly. "Oh, You're so pretty mi amor." She says. I'm probably blushing so much right now. Great. "Gracias," I reply. She smiles. "I knew you were Latina." I awkwardly smile once more. She lets go of my face and backs up. Then she racks over my body. Her eyebrows raised in suspicion, my body freezes.

When I'm nervous I tend to speak in Spanish. I do it a lot quite frankly. Poor Rose suffers through it a lot. "No es lo que piensas, Aiden, solo déjame usar ropa prestada porque tire vodka por todas partes," She smiles and I look at Aiden, his eyes widen in horror too.

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