n i n e : we're not fucking for the fun of it

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n i n e : we're not fucking for the fun of it


Isabella's POV

We didn't talk after that. My Mama came in and told us dinner was ready. So as I got up off the couch, Aiden took my wrist and pulled me back. I landed right next to him. I tried to get up but as soon as his hand landed on my thigh I stopped. He leaned to my ear. "Don't tell your family about my parents?" I turn my head, trying to look at him, our lips centimeters away. I nod. He nods then gets up. His hand was still on my wrist, therefore pulling me up and dragging me to the table. We sit down next to each other, Mama next to me and Abuela in front of me. It was a circle table with four chairs that sat us all perfectly.

Aiden looks at is food and then back at me, a questioning look on his face. I smile lightly. Then I turn to my Mama. "Ma, you made my favorite!" She laughs. "Chiles relleno." She says smiling. I look at Aiden. "Stuffed poblano chiles with Oaxacan-style string cheese and fried until golden brown. I've memorized how to make these babies." I say. Everyone laughs. Aiden smiles awkwardly at me before taking a bite. He chews it then looks at me, his eyes lighting up. I smile, then he looks at Ma. "This is beyond delicious Ms. Alvarez." Mama smiles widely. She leans over to me. "He's a keeper." She whispers.

I pray to god that Aiden hadn't heard. I looked up at him and seeing the smirk that played on his face, I was going to have to bury myself in a hole later. My cheeks grew red and of course, Abuela saw me. "Soo... Aiden, how'd you and Isa meet?" I bury my face into my hands. "Well, the first time we saw each other was when Isabella punched my friend in the face, the first time we met was when I walked in on her and my friend and another girl drunk." My Abuela and Mama gasp. I go wide-eyed and look at Aiden.

'What the fuck?! I'm so going to kill you.' I mouth. He laughs. "I'm just kidding. The first time we met was in the cafeteria, we were both up late getting a drink from the vending machine." I can visibly see the anger melt away in my Mama's face. I look at my Abuela and she just winks. Oh my god.

"You just happen to be friends after that?" Ma asks. "My friend and his friend used to date so we all ended up becoming friends and I wanted to visit Kyle and I decided to invite them." She nods smiling.

"So uh... Ma, Abuela, I have some news for you.." I say. They both look up from their food. "I-I'm not going to be uh.." I say, losing my voice. Aiden notices what I'm about to say, and realizes how nervous I was. His hand lands on my thigh. He squeezes it, ever so lightly, boosting my confidence through the roof. "I'm not going to be a doctor anymore." They both gasp. "Hear me out," I say. "I was offered a job as a model. I haven't had real gigs yet, but I've been practicing. I've made eighteen thousand dollars already. That's how I was able to come out here and afford the hotel I'm staying in. I will be making more than a doctor does in the end. I will still go to college and graduate with a bachelors degree. When I'm done being a model, I'll have made plenty of money to buy a house and car, and even start a family. I'll figure out a job for after modeling when the time comes."

I say in one breath. Ma looks at me. I can't even describe her reaction. I don't know if she's disappointed, shocked, hurt, or all three. "W-Why?" Ma says. "What do you mean?" "You've always wanted to be a doctor. Why the sudden change." I sigh. "What if I haven't always wanted to be a doctor." She again gasps. "I've wanted a good life after college. Not like you. I want to be able to afford a good life for my kids, have a good house, live in a good neighborhood. I don't want my kids losing a parent and then suddenly be afraid to be alone at any time. I love you Ma. You've raised me well, but now that I really think about it, I've never really wanted to be a doctor." She sighs instead of gasping. Which was a relief to me?

"Oh, baby. Why haven't you ever told me? I've only wanted a good life for you. If you want to be a model, and it guarantees you a good life afterward, I'd love for you to be one." My Ma says. My heart leaps out of my chest.

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