t e n : quit sniffing me and pay attention

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t e n : quit sniffing me and pay attention


Isabella's POV

Panic rushes throughout my entire body. I look at Aiden wide-eyed. He looks at me the same way. Luckily I catch Abuela's eye. She nods. "Last night they both went on a walk and some guy grabbed Isa's neck. Aiden saved her. Obviously, it was tight enough to leave bruises." My Mama's eyes widen in horror. Mine and Aiden's eyes go back to normal. "Oh my god, again? Baby are you okay?!" I laugh nervously. "Yes, I am. Aiden saved me, we're both alright." I reply. "Thank god. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there Aiden." She says. I bite my lip to hold back a laugh. "I wonder." He says in a playful tone. Although his eyes are laced with concern. I saw the way his body tensed when my Ma said 'again.'

Aiden looks at my Abuela and nods a thank you. I do the same. She smiles at us. We finish our breakfast and say our goodbyes. I hug my Ma extra tight and she leans into my ear. "I know what Aiden actually did to your neck. Be safe okay babe." My eyes bulge. I pull back and she smiles. I awkwardly smile back. "Love you, Ma." "Love you too." I look at Aiden, he's conversing with my Abuela. I wait for them to finish. Once they do Aiden runs over to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I want to push him off in anger, but at the same time, I felt so protected. Especially in this neighborhood.

We start our journey towards the hotel. Closer than usual. He looks down at me. "Hey, have you been choked before?" He says. My body shivers. "Y-yes. They had both their hands around my neck. Choking the shit out of me. The bruises lasted a couple of weeks. Kyle was there and luckily protected me. More saved me." Aiden nods. I look up at him. "Aren't you going to ask about this morning?" He shakes his head. "If you wanted me to know, you would've told me by now." I look down and smile. He really could be amazing if he wanted to be.

We continue to walk in silence, his arm around me, my arm around his lower back. We make it to the hotel and walk into my room. Alex and Rose are on the bed making out. I look at Aiden and his face copies mine.

As Aiden closes the door, both of them look at us. Their facial expressions were everything. I laughed a little too hard. Aiden laughed lightly next to me. After we stopped Rose looks me in the face. I put a straight face on and look back. "You understand don't you?" She asks. I nod. "If you believe he's better, and believe neither of you will get hurt again, I get it." I look at Alex who's staring at me. "You know?" I nod. He closes his eyes and nods. "I'm better now. I will never lay my hands on her like that again. I learned from my mistakes." Then with tender eyes, he looks at Rose. "I promise." My heart aches. I smile and look between the two.

"I'm proud of you, but how the heck did this happen?" Aiden chimes in. I jump, I forgot he was here until now, whoops. They smile sheepishly. "After everyone left, Alex started apologizing to me. Then the doctor," Rose looks at me. "That doctor," I smile. "Walks in and looked between us. He told us he could feel the tension, and that we should just kiss already." I look at them wide-eyed. Alex smiled. "So then I grabbed her face and kissed her." I let out a small squeal. Aiden looked at me like I was trash. I smiled and shrugged.

"The doctor left us to it and then you know kissing lead to touching and," Oh god. "Blah blah blah, yes we know what it leads to," I yell. Everyone laughs at me. "So, we're going to try again. But we know now what and what not to do. We're going to continue to learn from each other, and start off slow." I smile. "I'm happy for you both." Rose snuggles into Alex. "Thank you." She says. I smile.

Aiden goes and sits on the other side of the bed. I'm about to when Rose pops up and runs over to me. I let out a scream and she laughs. Then she points to my neck. Oh shit. "What the hell are these?!" She blurts out. I'm so going to kill her. Alex pops up as well. "What?!" Then he sees my neck. I'm going to cry. He slowly turns around and looks at Aiden. But he was so engrossed to his phone he didn't even know what was happening. Alex points at Aiden. Then he turns around and touches the hickeys on my neck. He again turns and points to Aiden. And then turns back to me. He looks at me wide-eyed. "He did that?" I nod. Then Alex rolls his eyes. "No." I nod. "Yes." He laughs then runs to Aiden. He does that bro hug thing. "Nice man." Rose and I scoff. The guys smile sheepishly at us. "Why so horny last night?" My body visibly tenses and Alex and Rose start dying of laughter.

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