s i x t e e n : am i not sexy enough?

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s i x t e e n : am i not sexy enough?


Isabella's POV

The room is like no other I've ever seen. When you first walk in, you're instantly greeted with a warm feeling. It's a safe, comforting feeling. Windows line the entire living room, giving you access to the beautiful city below. Maroon colored curtains are draped over the windows, but pushed to the side, letting in the light.

There's one long curved maroon colored couch, black, gold, and white pillows neatly set atop of it. A coffee table sits a few feet in front of it. It's a nice, rounded glass table with the prettiest white flowers I'd ever seen sitting in a pot in the middle.

Few black armchairs sit on the rug. Oh, and the rug was luxurious. It was a white, fluffy rug that stretched and covered the wood floor almost entirely. If you look past the couches, you see a spiral staircase situated in the middle of the room. It's gold and follows the color scheme of the living room. It goes up to a second floor. There are pillars that hold up the loft. The loft covers half of the living room, the front of it open so you could see out over the living room.

After I finish drooling, we walk across the rug, into a hallway, and into the most beautiful kitchen, I'd ever seen. You walk in, and first come into contact with the island. It's white marble, with cracks that spread everywhere. The end of the island that I'm at has black stools and a bowl of fruit. To my right, is a sleek, black fridge. It fits perfectly in between the wall and counter. Next, to it, are two stoves. Yeah, two! They were the fancy and new, the kind that you see at the store, or on t.v. They looked as almost they haven't been touched. There are oven's underneath them, that were also black, but with a gold handle. Behind the stoves, the backsplash was a white brick, and it somehow tied it together.

Many cupboards and shelving spaces took up the kitchen. A dishwasher was underneath the sink at the island. The sink near the windows was for just washing hands. Oh, and the windows stretched across the kitchen as well. It lightened up the room and gave a breathtaking view while you get to cook. There were black appliances taking up half of the counter space. The coolest chandelier hung above the island. This room gave me that rustic modern feel, and I never wanted to leave. I'm broken out of my thoughts when Aiden jumps onto the island in front of me. "Hello? You good?" I laugh.

"I'm good. T-this place is marvelous. I don't ever want to leave. I could seriously sit in this kitchen forever. Or the living room. Oh maybe the bedrooms, although I haven't seen them yet, I bet they're just as beautiful." He looks at me with a smirk.

I'm rambling again.

"S-sorry. Whose home is this?" I bet it's his parents. I'm not complaining though, coming to cook here every night will be heaven.

"It's mine." I look at him wide-eyed. "No way," I mutter. He smiles this time. "Glad to know you'd stay here forever. Get's boring sometimes." He says. This time, my cheeks start feeling a little hot. "T-that's not what I meant!" I shoot back. He throws his head back and lets out a deep rumble. "I know Munchkin." Is all he says before jumping off of the counter. He walks to the fridge and opens it. I look in and it's basically empty. "I think we'll have to go shopping Munchkin, I don't really eat here." I scoff. "Why not? I'd never leave if I lived here." He smirks. "We've been over that. And because I don't like eating alone, Alex is always here, but he goes back to his place for dinner, he has to take care of his siblings at night." I nod. I usually don't like eating alone either and this place is huge. He must get lonely at times. "I didn't know Alex had siblings." Aiden closes the door and starts walking into another door, I somehow missed.

"He doesn't like many people knowing because they're home alone when Alex is at school and he doesn't want anyone to mess with them." I nod. The questions I've had since I've met him are pushing against my brain again. "What about your siblings? Where are they." He walks back out, his face pale. "H-how do you know about them?" He gets closer to me and not in a playful way, but his voice is dangerously low. "Who told you about them?" I feel my fingers start to shake and trembles go throughout my entire body. "Y-your brother came and inspected my dorm, then he told me about your s-sisters." He backs away, the fury slowly leaving his eyes. Once he's at a safe distance, I back away to the living room. Anywhere to get me away from him.

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