t h i r t y t w o : the ending that beats my first

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t h i r t y t w o : the ending that beats my first


Isabella's POV

I watch t.v. for a good two hours when the front door opens. I happily stand up and walk to the door. I walk around the corner and my eyes widen. "Aiden oh my god!" I scream as I run over to him. He hands me the puppy and I squeal. "WHERE DID YOU GET HIM?!" I ask way too excitedly. He laughs. "A friend," He walks to the room and gets Shadow. He brings him to husky in my hands. I set him down and they instantly start playing. I quickly run to Aiden and squeeze him. "He's so cute!" I squeal. He laughs once more. "Glad to know you like him. What do you want to name him?" I ponder that question for about two minutes. "Akira. It's an Alaskan dog name meaning intelligent." Aiden nods.

Aiden squats down then pats his thigh. "Shadow," He whistles. "Come here, boy." Shadow's head pops up and he quickly starts to run over to us. Akira looks lost as he follows Shadow, but he eventually makes his way over to us. I quickly grab him and lay on my back. I squeeze him and then sit up. I take him outside and set him in the grass. He needs to be potty trained soon because I'm not down to be cleaning poop and pee up every day. Akira starts to sniff around then he squats and takes a shit. I look at Aiden with wide eyes. "He's already potty trained." I smile.

Shadow comes galloping out the door and into the grass. The dogs chase each other and it puts a smile onto my face. "This way, they'll keep each other busy when you need to work, or can keep you entertained when you're bored." I turn around and hug him. "Thank you, Aiden." I pull away and he nods, smiling sheepishly. Something pops into my head and he must know because his face goes from red to normal in seconds. "What is it?" He asks. I smile. "I talked to your aunt. She said I could continue modeling. I'll model her maternity clothes. It pays more because she's wanted these clothes modeled for a while." He smiles. "Good." I smile too.

We walk back inside, the dogs hot on our tails. I grab a glass of water and sit down at the table. He does as I do and we just sit there in a comfortable silence. The t.v. is the only other noise besides our breathing. "Want to go watch 'Sex Education' in bed?" He asks. I smile and nod. I turn Netflix on and jump into the bed. I lay my head against my pillow. Aiden comes in shirtless and instantly I'm horny. What a shame. I really wanted to watch this show too. I shrug my shoulders and get out of bed. I take my shirt off and then come up behind him. I tap his shoulder and he turns around. I smile and then kiss him. He quickly kisses me back as he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and let him push me against a wall.

He kisses down my neck repeatedly. I throw my head back in pleasure. My back arches and I'm off the wall. He takes me off the wall still licking and biting that one spot. He lifts me higher, taking off my bra. He starts to suck and mess with each tit. He lays me down on the edge of the bed and slides his pants off. I turn over so I'm on my knees and elbows. I arch my back and he smiles at me. "Good girl," He purrs. A smirk grows on my face. He grabs my waist tightly, not so much that it hurt, but enough to give me a pain that was pleasurable. He sticks it in and starts thrusting in and out. He starts slow so I become antsy. He starts to get faster and my breath starts to get heavier. Finally, he sticks it in all the way and repeatedly does it until I scream 'Aiden!'. He slowly pulls out and pushes me to my side. I lay on my back and look up at him in his all naked glory.

He leans down and starts rubbing my clit with his thumb. He lips start to kiss my lips well. Slowly he sticks his tongue in and then licks down my body until he reaches my clit. He starts going down on me, hard, might I add. My back arches once more and I'm gripping the sheets.

He stops to look at me. He smiles, licking his lips. He rests one knee on the bed beside me. He sticks it in one more time, making us one. He thrusts in and out to the point he has to cover my mouth. He continues as he leans down and whispers. "Shh baby girl." He goes faster and harder and my moans and screams are muffled by his hand. His eyes sparkle as he pulls out and I get down on the ground. I sit on my knees and open my mouth, my tongue sticking out as far as I can. He walks over to me and I grab it and stick it into my mouth.

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