f o u r t e e n : you love him, just tell him

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f o u r t e e n : you love him, just tell him


Aiden's POV

After dropping Isabella off, I just wanted to go home and sleep. As I walk the hallways I see the soccer guys huddled in a circle. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk over. "Oh my god, my names Isabella Alvarez. I'm fat and I need guys to carry me for the attention." A voice says. My fists clench. As soon as she makes eye contact with me, she gets off the floor and stands up. The guys laugh but walk away. I close my eyes, clenching my jaw. "I uh, didn't mean any of that." She says in the least sorry voice I'd ever heard. I roll my eyes and push her against the wall. She lets out a small scream. "Jenna, don't ever speak of her that way again." She swallows loudly. "Don't tell me what to do." My fingers itch.

'She's a girl, calm down.' I mumble over and over. I can't punch the bitch. "She needs no one to carry her, I choose too. Plus I don't know why you're talking so bad about her. She's prettier than you in many ways. Physically and internally." She scoffs. "Yeah right." I smile evilly. "Last week the guys in the locker room were talking about her. They all agreed she was the 'hottest girl on campus'. Even 'hotter than Jenna McGee'." She lets out a scream. "They did not." I nod. "Oh, and my aunt approached her, offering her a modeling job, on the second or third day of school," Jenna screams this time catching the attention of bystanders. "She's a baby! I'm a real woman, plus I've been at this stupid ass school for four years. I deserve a damn modeling job." I laugh, then look her up and down.

"Isabella is definitely more of a woman than you'll ever be." She scoffs. I take my hands off of her and back up. "If I catch you talking bad about her or something like this again, you know what I'll do to you." She rolls her eyes. I bite my cheek, trying my best to control myself. She walks off and I stalk to my car. Goddammit. I'd kill to have the chance to punch her.

I shake my head clearing any thoughts. I close my car door and start driving to the tallest building in this area. As I pull into the parking lot, I get a sense of relaxation. I'm home and I have a few days to just relax. I walk through the lobby saying hi to everyone down there. I get into the elevator and go to the top floor; the penthouse. Yes, I lived there, and although I lived alone, I basically had a roommate because Alex was always over. I plop onto the couch and let out a long breath. "Good to be home," I say aloud before falling asleep.

Isabella's POV

As soon as she said thinking about Alex, I knew exactly why. "Still thinking about the hotel incident?" I ask, truly interested. She smiles sheepishly and nods. "I know you love him back, you're just afraid to admit it to yourself. I don't want to fall in love again because I don't really believe in it anymore. It never seems to last. But if some miracle happens, I'm going to admit to myself that I love the other person. If you don't, you will regret it in the end." She looks at me one more time then looks in her lap. I see tears finding their way onto her lap. Her shoulders shaking violently. I jump to my feet and run to her bed. I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around the poor girl. She buries her face into my shoulder and lets sobs out. I stroke her hair with my hand lightly. "Let it out, love." A few sobs later, she was done. She has red puffy eyes and was hiccuping, but better.

We untangle from each other, and then I look into her eyes. "If you don't mind telling me, I'm all ears." She smiles. "I-I know I love him. I never stopped, I told you that before didn't I?" I nod. "I-I just don't want to tell him I love him and then he breaks my heart or he has a relapse and treats me like before." I sigh, knowing exactly where she was coming from. I grab her shoulders firmly with my hands. I look into her eyes and smile. "That boy loves you. He will be beyond happy when you tell him. And I won't let him relapse. Either will you. Keep loving him and it'll be enough to him that he won't want to return to his old self." A few tears escape her eyes. I wipe them with my hand. "Now get some sleep, and tell your man you love him." She nods, smiling. I smile back and lay in my bed. I was exhausted from the plane. I could never explain to you how that made sense since I slept on the way home. I smile to myself and drift into a dreamless sleep.

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