Chapter #02 - Better day

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[y/n]'s POV.

You walked into school just like yesterday. You was wondering if your friends will keep laughing at you or they already have forgotten about yesterday. There's not big chance, but still. You got into hallway and saw Mia looking around. You tried to get past her without being noticed, but you failed and she saw you. As soon as she did she got closer. How is it, that people who used to be your best friends yesterday are now against you and they're just looking for a way to bully you. Just like your life wasn't hard enough. Well, actually it was't hard until that stupid test. You looked down.

"Oh god, [y/n], I'm so sorry for yesterday!" she said as she got closer. You looked up at her with confusion. "You... are?" "Yes! I- I had no idea I was hurting you! Will you forgive me?" "S-sure, Mia." you said. She hugged you. You smiled lightly and hugged her back. Then Marcus showed up. "H-hi girls. I see you're all good? I- I wanted to apologize as well, [y/n]." he said. "I forgive you as well.". Then you felt that someone patted your shoulder. You turned around. It was Sarah. "Uh... [y/n], I'm sorry for yesterday. I had no idea they'd laugh. Will you forgive me?" "Sure, but why do you all apologize now?"

"I just realized how much I hurted your feelings." Sarah said. "And... well I wasn't smart enough to realize. Someone had to point it out for me." Mia said. "You too?" Marcus asked. What were they talking about? "Yea. When this person told me that you feel bad because of how we all acted like I realized as well as Sarah and decided to say sorry." "Same situation as Mia." Marcus said. You nodded to show that you understand. Then Mia took you by the hand and pulled you away. You gave her confused look. "Now seriously. How'd you met him? How'd you contacted him? How'd you made him do it?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" you asked. "I'm talking about who came to my house yesterday." "Who was it?" you asked. She looked around to make sure no one hears and lowed her voice. "Scarlet Spider." "Wha- No way!" you said with your eyes open widely. "I'm not lying, he did came! He told me how sad you felt and left my room like nothing happened. Then I thought about it all and felt sorry, so I decided to apologize you. But how'd you met?!" "I- I never met him!" "So why he came to me to protect you?" "I- I don't know!" "Have you told someone about yesterday?" "Uh- I didn't, I guess- Wait, I did. I think." "So who was that?!" "I- I'm not sure. I'll try to find out after school, okay Mia?" "Okay. I hope you will. That was weirdest thing that ever happened to me!" "I will." you said.

After school you got back to your house, left backpack somewhere around and tried to look for your phone. You finally found it under your bed, it had to fall off at night. You turned it on and somehow it still wasn't out of energy. You quickly found Ben's number on it and texted him.


Hi, how was your day? - he texted back to you after some time

It was good

But friends told me something

Something mean?

No, something weird

Mia told me that someone got into her home yesterday



Guess who was it

I have no clue

It was Scarlet Spider, Ben!


So that's what it's about

You KNEW?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

One question mark and one exclamation mark is enough, you know?

Yea, I knew

So you're the one who made him come?!?!

One. One question mark and exclamation mark. Not two. One.

But yea, it was me

How'd you made him come?

How'd you met him?

How'd you contact him?

How'd you knew who was bullying me?

Slow down

I don't know how you text so fast

Let's just say I have contact with a few people no one would expect me to have

Like super hero???

Those are 3 question marks

Yea, like him

If you'll tell me you have Tony Stark's private number I won't believe you

Why would anyone have it?

He has his Facebook-Twitter-Instagram things, right?

Point taken

So, anyways, did your friends say sorry?


I thought Scarlet Spider freaked them out, but they just understood that it wasn't nice to laugh

I'm glad

Gotta go, sorry

Have good evening


You put phone away. So... Ben knows Scarlet Spider? Whose number did Marcus gave you?


Well, looks like Ben took matters to his own hands. [y/n] gave him her school's name, so it probably wasn't hard to break in and see what kids are in her class.

See you in the next chapter!

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