Chapter #8 - Extra classes

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[y/n]'s POV.

You're lying on your bed with phone in your hand. You're watching the ceiling while trying to figure out what jut happened. First of all - Ben's face. He doesn't look bad. God, he looks really good. As you called him, cute. Maybe it's not really best word to describe him, but also it's hard to find a better one. Anyway, his look's amazing and it's a shame that you can't meet in real word. You can't? Why won't you just text him and ask to meet? Well, maybe because it's late at night and he's probably already asleep. You shouldn't bother him right now. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe. If you won't forget.

Also, there's second thing you're thinking about. Your short talk with Scarlet. You felt kinda stressed when you were texting, but on a second thought he doesn't seem dangerous. You didn't ever hurt him and he just feels lonely. He's not mad at you because of how you shouted at him back when Ben was hurt. You was sure wrong about him. But then why every time he's in TV he seems so... so other than he is when he's taking or texting with you. And, what's more important, which of those is real him and when is he just faking everything? 

All these thoughts were making it almost impossible to fall asleep, while on the other hand you was so tired that it was hard to think about anything. Finally your need for sleep had won and your eyes closed beyond your control. When you was able to open them it was already morning and sun was shining through your window. You got up, dressed up, washed your face, packed to school, because yesterday you've forgotten to, ate breakfast made by your parents and you was ready to leave to school. Or more like you had to. And you wish you'd had more time, because your hair was still a mess. You tried to make it looking less like bird's nest and more like, well, like hair. When you got to school your hair was still one big disaster, but it was possible to look at it. You had no time to take more care about it so you just had to pray that no one notices.

"Miss [y/s/n] (your surname)!" you've heard when you was running through hallway. It was your teacher, miss Potts. You got closer to her afraid that she'll shout at you for running through hallways. She was one of those teachers you better won't make angry, because you wouldn't like them when they're angry. Like you liked them at all. She really was one of those less liked teachers. "Yes, miss Potts?" you asked. "Someone told me that you've been... drawing things. And the way this student described it to me... I'd like to see your drawings if you won't mind." she said. Oh god, who was this student that put you in this situation? When you'll find them, you'll-. "Uh, that's not an issue, miss Potts." you snapped out from your thoughts to don't make this situation too awkward by staying quiet for too long.

You put your bag on the ground and hoped that in morning rush you've forgotten to pack this notebook with drawings of yours. Unluckily, it was here. Even worse was that miss Potts realized that you're holding it inside your bag, because there was a note written on it saying 'drawings'. You gave it to her and then looked away. "Hm... interesting. Can I take a closer look in my office?" she asked you. "Y...yes, of course, miss. Do I... have to come as well? I was-" "No, you can go and enjoy your time before lesson starts. I'll find you when I'll be done." "All right, thank you very much miss Potts." you said. She turned away and you took your bag. Now time to find guy, or girl, that was stupid enough to tell teacher. Worse, to tell miss Potts. First suspects are your friends. You've found them without any problem.

"All right guys. WHO dared to tell miss Pots that I draw?" you asked as you got closer. Your friends just looked at each other while trying to figure out as well. "Well..." Simon looked around sweating a little bit "A word might have slipped out from me, but it was an accident. Okay?" he said. You got closer but before you could've said anything you've heard miss Potts behind you. "Kid, you're very talented." she said. You had no idea what to say or what to do. Finally you mumbled a thank you. "I think you should attend to extra art classes. They are happening after school and they're free. You should really try." "All right. Thank you very much, miss Potts. I will sure come." you said.

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