Chapter#10 - Fight Of Web Warriors

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Scarlet Spider's POV.

Web Warriors, including me, got into spider jet, ready to fight Ock and his new friends. The newest sinister six. Did he really call them that? I can't believe I used to work for this guy. I saw Agent Venom glance at me. Of course he did. If we're fighting the sinister number of villains he would always look at me. He wasn't even realizing he was doing it. Looks like his mind wasn't over my betrayal as well as I was. Looks like he still knows that if I betrayed them once I could do it twice. I gotta focus. Ignore it. Think only about beating villains up. That's all I gotta do.

Spider jet landed and we all stepped out. I sighed when I saw how big mess was Ock able to make just in a few minutes. They sure wanted to make us come. We all looked around to find them. As soon as we spotted villains destroying the city streets we rushed towards them to stop this madness before someone gets really hurt. I jumped at some random dude in vulture's suit. Looks like Ock misses his old members. If I'll see a replica of me on his new squad he's getting beaten up really badly. Just like it won't happen to him anyway.

Peter was fighting Ock, I was with this Vulture guy, and I didn't really care about others as long as they won't hit me when I'm busy with my enemy. Then, Ock's mine. I realize that we were all fighting close to the Hudson River. This new vulture has a mechanic suit, right? What would have happened if I pushed him into the water? Sounds like a plan to me. I tried to make him fly into it. It took him a long moment to realize what I was doing, but he finally started to struggle. He, however, had no plan and that made him an easy enemy to beat up. We were already so close to the water, I kicked him in the back to push him into the water.

"Scarlet!" I've heard behind me "Dodge!" Spider-Man shouted. Well, how am I supposed to dodge in the air?! I'm not able to fly or something! Actually, what am I even supposed to dodge? I've felt something wrapping around my leg. Ock's tentacle. Well, that's clear now. I saw the new vulture falling into the river and he seemed to pass out. Then I got slammed to a wall. I saw Ock holding Peter and MJ in the air while others tried to get them out. Ock saved vulture from the river with his last tentacle. Finally, MJ cut tentacle that was holding her and helped to get Spidey out. Everyone was free. Or at least I wish it was that way. Unluckily, I'm still slammed into the wall.

"We're turning away!" Peter shouted and swinge away. Others followed his example and ran away. Everyone but me, since I still couldn't move. "Wait!" I shouted but it was a too quiet scream. I wanted to try again, but Ock pressed against my chest and I couldn't let out a single word. I tried a few more times while also making sounds by struggling. Ock smirked as pressed at me even harder. He then pulled me a little closer to him only to slam me into the wall again. The world got blurry and he threw me away. "Karma." he said and I've felt cold water appearing around me. I got thrown into the river, just like I earlier did to Vulture.

All right. I gotta focus. I know I'm about to pass out, but not while I'm underwater! If I pass out I'd rather wake up at all. I tried to swim up, to reach out and catch something, but honestly, I had no idea where 'up' was. Everything was spinning around and it was harder to see anything. I wonder how long will it take others to realize that I'm gone. And also, I wonder what will they think in the first place. That I died, that I used another way, that I got into my room already, that I got kidnapped by sinister 6, or maybe that I have joined them? Everything's possible. I just hope they'll find me. I tried to catch a breath, so I chocked on the water. I tried to spit it all out, but I felt weaker. My head spun and I've heard a sound of my suit turning into the one we use on missions underwater and in space. Couldn't it happen a second earlier? I passed out.

I woke up. Not knowing where, not knowing when. I could've been unconscious for 5 minutes, 5 hours, or maybe even longer. I was lying on something comfortable, but honestly, it could've been sand, or bed in a hospital, or bed in shield... It can be anything. Sure, I was awake, but I couldn't open my eyes anyway. I've heard something move next to me. Not sure if that was even a human. Finally, I felt strong enough to try to sit up. I tried, but someone, now I'm sure, stopped me by putting a hand on my chest. First thing I could think about was pulling my stinger out and picking up a fight, but I wasn't able to.

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