Chapter #12 - Over

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You woke up because the alarm clock in your phone went off. You quickly turned it off so it wouldn't wake up your ...guest... as well. However, you weren't sure if it didn't wake him up earlier, so as you got up you imminently approached the door and peeked inside. Scarlet Spider was still asleep and seemed relaxed. You smiled slightly as you've learned that he is going to get some more rest after yesterday struggles. You softly closed the door and got a bit further from it.

You decided to make breakfast for both of you, but you weren't sure what was Scarlet Spider liking. Finally, you decided to make some pancakes, because who doesn't like them? Your mother once taught you how to make them, so you just hoped you remember everything. You took everything you needed and tried to make food out of it. After sometimes you've realized that it was one big success and put a few pancakes on the table. Then the door to your room opened.

"What is this smell? Is kitchen in the fire?" Scarlet asked as entering the kitchen, after getting through the living room. You sighed. "No. This smell is actually our breakfast." "Our?" "You didn't eat anything yesterday, you gotta be hungry, so I made some for you." "No, thanks, I don't need any food from you. I already called Spider-Man, he'll be there at any second." "So... you're leaving now?" "Yeah. Sorry for the trouble." "Oh, that's no issue. I'll just pack you some." "Wha- No, you don't have to." "Tell me, what was the last time you've eaten some homemade food?" you asked.

He looked down in silence and you began to pack a few pancakes for him. When you were done there was a knock on your d- window. Yeah, window. You and Scarlet looked at it to see a masked teen in Spider-Man's suit. The window wasn't closed too good, because he was able to open it easily. He leaned into the room but kept his feet outside. "Morning, B-" he tried to greet Scarlet, probably by his secret name but froze as spider glazed him "bbbbbbbb... Scarlet." he corrected himself "Ready to go?" he said. Scarlet nodded.

"Wait, Scarlet, your food." you said and gave him a small package. He looked at it and then at you again. "Scarlet, you're getting food?" Spider-Man asked. "I guess so." Scarlet shrugged. He was just about to leave when he suddenly turned to you again. "[y/n]... I..." he sighed "I'm sorry for yesterday. And for staying here overnight. And for making you listen to all of this. I... I'm not going to bother you anymore." "What? Y-you're not bothering me! I like you." you said and he sighed. "People like us are only a trouble." he said. ""Us"?" "Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm not the only synthezoid alive, we're just not in perfect terms. Ben's just like me. But he ain't bother you as well." he said and just walked away leaving you with this information.

"Scarlet, wait!" you shouted. You can think about Ben later, now there's a drama going on. He sighed. "Don't bother, [y/n]. Just don't." he said. "But-" "Goodbye." he said and walked out. You just stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to understand it all, but it was just too much for you. "Dude, was that a breakup?" Spider-Man asked. "What? Hell no. I bearly know her." Scarlet said and they both got away. You looked down. What just happened hurt you a little. You got into our room to get clothes. After you dressed up and ate pancakes you headed off to school. You just wanted to go anywhere and clear your head.

In school you just stayed quiet most of the time, skipping the time when you were asked questions by teachers. Also, your friends asked you if something was wrong. "I just got into an argument with a pretty nice person and they decided to stop contacting me. It's nothing." you were answering. No one wanted to know more and you didn't want to tell more. You wanted the school to end already so you could try to make things up. You didn't really care if Scarlet and Ben were not humans. You still liked them both.

As you left the school you wanted to head home. You were looking around and you thought you saw Scarlet at the top of a building next to you, but it couldn't be him. He probably is still getting his wounds covered after yesterday fight he's been through. Suddenly your phone moved in your pocket so you pulled it out to see that Ben texted you. There was still hope.

Hi - the message was saying

Scarlet told me you know what I am

And not to bother you

So I ain't

It was nice to know you, though


Ben, no



Text back, please!


Suddenly an error popped up at your phone's screen. It said that you no longer can text this number because it blocked you. You stopped in the middle of a sidewalk. It was like someone poured cold water at you. You felt really sad. Why was this hurting? You've met Ben by chance, it shouldn't bother you. But, it did. You've felt tears appearing in your eyes and you no longer cared about anything or anyone around you. You just wanted to get home to sob into your pillow. You ran the whole way until you've heard someone gasp.

Then you've heard wheels of a car right beside you. You turned to see a blinding light and closed your eyes. After a second a harsh hit came and you felt a lot of pain. After a moment you were lying in the middle of the road in pain. You tried to open your eyes, but the world just spoon and you passed out.


Yeah. Because the last chapter wasn't rough enough, was it? I'm sorry that everything I write turns into drama, but I just can't help it. Right now I'm getting a lot of stress and I think it affects the story. There are two options now:

Take a break

Keep on writing

And I don't think stress is an excuse to stop writing, so Y'all know the answer. Also, everything in the story's under control I think.

Does this ending count as a cliffhanger?

See you in the next Chapter!

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