Chapter #18 - Break

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After some time you lost all the topics you could use to keep the conversation going. With a sigh, you both put your phones away and stopped texting. It was still pretty early, so you didn't really have anything to do. You finished homework within minutes, even the math, and you couldn't think of any activity that would keep your mind occupied.

After some time of doing, well, nothing, your mum just stormed into your room and seemed so worried that you slightly freaked out. "I've heard bad people appeared in your school! Please, tell me you weren't there!" she said. "No mum, I already got home." you answered. It was a lie, but you didn't think that worrying her would be a great idea at the moment. "Oh, thank god. How was your day, then?" "Pretty cool, actually. I feel like I impressed my math's teacher." "Oh, that's great honey. Your dad should be home any moment now, so how about you help me get the dinner ready?" she asked. "Sure."

"So, how did you learn about the attack?" you asked while making the salad. "I was cooking with the TV on and I've heard it in news. Then I realized that I didn't check if you actually were in your room, so I got worried. You didn't seem bothered much, so I figure you knew as well." "Well, yeah, I did. A friend called me and told m all this stuff. It had to be scary." "It sure was, I'm glad you came home earlier." she said. You smiled and a moment later the dinner was on plates.

The door to the door opened and your dad walked in. He greeted both you and your mum and a moment later you were all sitting next to the dinner table, chatting. Food was tasty, atmosphere nice and you finally felt relaxed. "Hey, girls, I have an idea." your dad suddenly said. "What is it?" your mother asked. "Last few days were pretty much stressing, so how about we chill out by going to the cinema? I think it's a break we all deserve." he said and you smiled. You tried to recall the last time he got that kind of idea, but couldn't remember exactly. "I'm up to it." you said. "It's set then, isn't it?" your mother said.

Your parents got to choose the movie, but it was surprisingly good. It was some comedy and you actually found it funny a little. Your parents surely enjoyed it a lot more, but it didn't really matter, you were glad it wasn't some crappy movie you wouldn't like at all. After seeing it you all went back home and you were about to rest but decided to text Ben first.



You WON'T believe what happened

Oh God

What is it?



For once in a long time, I think, I had a normal evening


I'm glad to hear that

What are you doing, btw?

Nothing basically

But I think we both should get some sleep

Who knows what tomorrow brings?

Also, you need to rest after the, you know, after what happened

I guess you're right

Good night Ben

Good night [y/n]

And so the conversation ended up and you decided to do what he said and get some rest. You slowly drifted away, thinking about stuff you've been through lately. None of them would cross your mind before, but yet here you were, resting after them and wondering what crazy situation could come next.


How did you like this one? I suddenly fought off the writer's block and I hope it lasts for long. A shame that I should do other stuff than writing, but come on, what's the worst that could happen? 

I just can't believe it. I gave a character a normal evening without any destruction or putting in danger! How did this happen?????

See you in the next chapter!

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