Chapter #03 - Hard hits

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Ben Reilly's POV.

I sit on my bed, holding my phone in my hand. When Peter told me I should get one I never thought I'll be using it. I had Shield's Communicator after all. And yet here I am, using it almost all the time to text with others, and, well, to text with this girl. [y/n]. It's... so weird that... that by one wrong number we've met. Just like that. By the chance. And now I just scared a few kids from her school. I still have no idea why I did this, but I can't change what was already done. Actually, even if I could, I wouldn't. It was a right thing to do.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I looked at it's screen. Unluckily, it wasn't her. It was Spider-Man. I sighed before answering.

Hey, Ben! He texted

What do u want?

Nothing important

We're just fighting Ock

And kinda loosing

And we wouldn't mind if you'd join us to help


He send me location, so I went there to save the day. When I got to them I saw that he wasn't lying and I begin to wonder when did he texted me. Everyone was hurt. Iron Spider's suit was so damaged that at some points it wasn't working, Agent Venom's and Spider-Woman's symbiotes were so tired, that some parts of their bodies were uncovered and Spider-Man's suit, as well as Kid Arachnid' one, were just damaged. They were all in pain and then there was Ock, with this annoying smirk on his face. I clenched my fist and tried not to just jump in and punch him. I tried so hard, but I did anyway. Web Warriors caught a break as I was fighting him.

One of his tentacles hit my face and after a moment I knew that it got me nose bleeding. I tried to return the favor, but my fist instead of meeting his ugly face met another tentacle and I've heard a snap in my right wrist. That was it. I got sick of him. I pulled out my stinger and tried to cut him with my left hand. He just caught me and tried to throw me at the wall, but I cut through his tentacle even though it was hard one. Then I looked at Warriors covering their wounds as some were appearing on me. "What are you doing, punks?! Get there, you can take care if wounds later!" I growled at them. Spider-Man looked over to me with a roll of his eyes. "Come on, Be- Scarlet, look out!" he shouted to me but it was too late. I've felt something hard hitting my back. Not even Ock's tentacle, it was a car. Seriously. Car.

As I got hit I lost my balance. I knew I was about to pass out, so I decided to keep on fighting till last moment. So, I got a few seconds. I tried to jump at him with my stingers unleashed, but I missed and he crushed me into sidewalk. Then he picked me up by his tentacle, but world already turned blurry to me and after a second I was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up I was still on the ground, but in bigger pain. I sat up and rubbed my head. Looks like Ock thought I was faking being unconscious and tried to make me stop. But I couldn't since it wasn't faked. I'm so glad that warriors took their time to pick me up and put me somewhere not on the floor. They're just so helpful. Spider-Man got to me in no time. "Ben! I'm so glad that you're okay!" "Not thanks to you, punk. Unless you stopped him. But you just couldn't bother yourself to pick me up from the ground, could you?" I growled.

When I got to Triscelion Doc. Connors took a close look at my wrist, snapped, nose, broken, ribs, almost broken and actually he just got me a full check up that reviled that I had internal bleeding. Spider-Man had to joke about it, but then he told me to stay in bed for a few days. Hurt, annoyed and now grounded as well. I got to my room and did as he said only to get better sooner. My phone vibrated. I looked at screen just as I did this morning and a smile appeared on my face for a moment as I learned that this time [y/n] texted me.


Am I bothering u?

No, ur not

I'm supposed to stay in bed anyway


What happened?

Does she really care? Why does she care?

A lot

Did u broke something?


And snapped wrist

And almost broke ribs

And got internal bleeding

And passed out

But I'm good

Omg, what happened to u???

There was a villain destroying city today

And I got in crossfire

Oh God

That's a miracle that ur alive!

Get well soon

And don't get in crossfire again



I'll try, but no promises

That's not the first time u do something like this??

And probably not last 1

Was ur pal Scarlet Spider fighting here?

I guess so

And he didn't saved u??

He had more important stuff to handle

Like fighting that trash bag that attacked me

I think he should first help u

Then others

Because ur his fried and a civilian


U know what?

U've been through a lot today

I feel like u should rest

It's not hard to text

But u shuld go to sleep in my opinion

All right

Lucky u

Will do


Take care Ben


Will text later, k?


I put my phone away with a smirk. All right, I'll go to sleep. Could've Scarlet Spider saved me? Not if I'm him. But others could've. But this girl made it a little bit less sad. I don't really know how, but I guess I will have enough time to figure that out while resting.


This chapter was kinda other then last ones, because it was about Ben, but it only proves that [y/n] isn't the only one that after a rough day smiles while texting other one. I'll try to update soon, but I'm not sure if I'll make it.

See you in the chapter!

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