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   'Long ago, about 50 years ago, there was a war. All races against the Demons. The Demons were fighting for freedom and the kingdom. The Angels ruled in the Kingdom you see. They were the Kings and Queens of all races. But, the Demons were tired of it. They wanted to rule, so they began the war.

   During the war the Angels would sacrifice themselves to keep the other races alive. Near the end of the war, only two Angels remained. The Queen and her newborn child, whom was born in the middle of this war. The Queen knew she had to keep her daughter alive, so she fled. She fled to the forest near where the werewolves lived. She flew as fast as she could, but then landed. She stole a horse and unsummoned her wings. She gripped onto her baby, whom was surprisingly not crying through all of this.

   When they arrived she got off the horse and looked down at her baby. Her eyes were opened and they were the most beautiful color. They were a light blue, a very light blue that it almost looked white. Her eyes had specks of a dark navy blue and gold. Making her eyes shimmer. She had very little hair, but her mother was able to tell it was a ashy brown color. Her mother smiled and kissed her forehead, as she walked through the forest. She was in the middle of it when she sensed a pack of werewolves.

   She smiled sadly as she twirled her pointer finger in a circle, while the left hand held her daughter close to her. As she twirled her finger sticks and twigs flew in a tornado like style, until they began to weave together. When finished they had formed into a basket. The basket floated down towards the ground and landed under the biggest tree in the forest. This tree was different from the others, so she knew she had to place her daughter here. She didn't know why, but it was just a feeling.

   She carefully placed her daughter, whom was now wrapped in her mother's shawl, into the basket. Moving her shawl some to be a pillow, but still be wrapped around her baby. She leaned down and kissed her daughter again and then summoned her beautiful white fluffy wings. She flew and hid into the trees as she did that. She closed her eyes and focused on the wolf pack that was coming. Just a few from the pack was walking around, hunting. While the Alpha and his mate stayed with the others, as they mourned the lost of their child.

   The Queen focused back onto the hunters and focused onto their emotions. She made the leader of the hunters get a feeling that they should head north. The way that her daughter was.

   As the hunters walked, they finally came into the area where the big tree was. That was when the Queen focused her attention back on her daughter and prayed that they notice her baby. Which on cue her daughter wailed out as a strong cold breeze washed over her. The Queen notice the hunters move towards her and they gasped. The leader picked up the baby out of the basket and they all questioned why she was there. This just made her baby giggle.

'What are you doing out here, little one?' 'What's your name?'

   The Queen quickly morphed some of the branches on the basket into the name Roselyn. One of the hunters picked up the basket and pointed out the name. The Queen watched as they walked away with the baby and knew she was safe now. Before the Queen left she cast a spell onto the pack and her daughter. A safety spell. To keep them all safe until her daughter turned the age of fifteen.

   The Queen then left and went to where the war was. With all her strength she cast a sealing spell, sealing all the demons into a cage. She watched as the cage formed into a beautiful white tree with a pink flowers. She smiled as she breathed her last breath.'

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