Chapter 6

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Roselyn's POV-

        "What's wrong?" Brooklyn questioned me as she sat down on her bed in black sweats and a longsleeve black shirt.

        "Theo." Was all I said. Once I said his name they both grinned.

        "H-He told me to forget about the kiss.." I said as tears formed into the corner of my eyes. "H-He d-doesn' t like me.. I think our f-friendship i-is ruined." I said as tears fell down and soon I was sobbing. I rubbed at my eyes trying to stop but I couldn't.

        "Look Roselyn, I've barely know you. Heck both of us barely know eachother. But from what I can tell. He likes you." Avery said as she came out of the bathroom with a towel going through her hair, drying it. "Why would he kiss you?" She questioned, but this question wasn't meant to be answered.

        "T-That's what I t-thought. But now I'm n-not s-sure." I stuttered out through hiccups.

        "Just get changed and washed up. There is a party tonight, so change and get ready. We will be going to." Avery said as she skimmed through her wardrobe.

        "Okay.." I trailed off as I went to get in the shower. I grabbed some black shorts and a sports bra. Then my bathroom necessities. I walked in and closed the door. Taking a long shower.

           *skipping shower scene.*

        When I got out Brooklyn wore a white sleeveless croptop with a blue high waisted skirt and brown strapped wedges. Avery wore a white shimmery slightly see through Los Angeles t-shirt with a navy blue skirt and gray boots.

        I quickly threw on my clothes, a white shortsleeved off the shoulders crop top and ripped blue jeans with my favorite white shoes.

               (Their outfits above.)

Brooklyn's hair

Brooklyn's hair

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Avery's hair

Roselyn's hair

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Roselyn's hair

     (Just the bottom fades to a silver

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     (Just the bottom fades to a silver.)

        Once we were done we walked out the door. Heading to the lake where the party was.

        'I just hope Theo doesn't avoid me..' I thought as we walked there. I saw Theo and smiled out him slightly and waved slightly. He looked at me and turned away. Talking to a Vampire, Cresent.

        They were laughing as they talked and I felt my heart breaking more. She slightly pushed on his shoulder and winked at him. Watching them flirt hurt me. I felt like jumping off a cliff.

        Once I saw her reach over and kiss his cheek I lost it. I ran. Ran to the little woods and never looked back. Once I stopped I was at a cliff. I sat down at the edge and stared at the view.

        "My my, look what we have here. A cute girl all by herself." A male voice said behind me. Making me jump up and turn to face them. 4 guys stood there. The scent was of Vampires.

        "What are you doing here by yourself, pumpkin?" One asked as he moved forward and stroked a strand of my hair. I shoved him back.

        "None of your business." I said as firm as I could to scare them off, but they didn't budge. Instead they laughed.

        "Aw, she thought she could scare us off fellas. Why don't we show her some punishments." The same one said, making me guess that was their leader.

        They slowly walked over towards me, making me take a step back. Finally I was running out of space and then I lost my footing. Falling down the cliff and landed in the water with a splash. But not before hitting my head on a rock.

        Memories flashed before me.

My mother when she told me I wasn't her daughter.

My father when he cried because I shifted even though I was a girl.

When Theo and I kissed.

What my mother said before she died.

And with that everything went black. Making me think,'This is the end.'

                  To be continued



      Woah! Two updates in one day! Haha finished this chapter so I thought might as well upload it. What is going happen to Roselyn. Will she be saved? If so, who will save her? Comment down below your guesses!! Bye guys! Have a wonderful rest of your day! Also I'm sorry I didn't upload for a little while. Hope this makes up for it. I got sick and still am but I'm feeling a little better.

 I got sick and still am but I'm feeling a little better

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