Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV-

The war was going on still. Angels were attacking the front line of the village for the demons. A couple sat in a house holding a baby girl in their arms.

"Generals! We need you!" Another demon yelled at the couple.

"Yes, we are coming."

With that the man kissed the woman and left to go help after kissing the baby's forehead. As he left the mother placed the baby in a basket. She then turned to a demon maid and handed her the basket.

"You are to run with her. Never look back. Keep her safe and train her the way of the demons. Please don't let her try to get revenge. She should grow up beautiful, cheerful, and smart. Teach her to blend in as a witch. There is a cottage about 10 miles to the right of the castle. Go. And keep Avery Downer safe. Please."

With a nod from the maid the general went off to war. While the generals fought for their lives. The maid ran out and through the trees. Far away like the general had told her to.

"Avery Downer. I'm Myrene." The maid told the little baby demon in her arms. Cooing at her once they reached the cabin.

With that a few hours had passed. Rumors went through the villages claiming that the queen of angels had sealed all the demons left into a tree. Including Avery's parents.

Which meant that Myrene and Avery were the only demons left.

"Don't worry generals.. I'll train Avery the way that you trained my brother. With love and kindness. But also strict when needed to." Myrene declared to the sky.

With that a few years went by. Avery was now five years old. She had long blonde hair and bright orange eyes. It was the day that Myrene was to cast a spell on Avery. Then tell her the rules.

'Spiritus invoco denuntiat. Ad amictum praebere huic puero. Ita non potest eam celare identitatem verum in illa maga est.' Myrene spoke in a language rarely used.

With that a white cloak began to form around Avery. When finished the same girl was there but with a black eye and a darker orange eye. That was the only difference to the human eye. But to the supernatural. She had no more demon smell or look. Instead she had a smell of a witch.

"Avery. What are you?"

"A witch, ma'am" Avery answered bubbly. Gaining a nod from Myrene.

"What is your element?"

"Earth and fire ma'am."

"Who are your parents?"

"I don't know. They disappeared and Ms. Myrene has been taking care of me." She stated and smiled sweetly.

"Good girl." Myrene told her with a smile.

She took her inside the cabin and laid her down for bed.

She sat down beside avery and hummed a tune.

'Hush now little baby,
For everything will be alright.
Bring forth that sweet smile,
The smile that brings laughter.
The smile that brings happiness.

So hush now little baby,
It's time for you to rest.
I shall be here for when you wake up.

So sleep my little one,
Close thos eyes and dream a lovely dream.'

Myrene sung to Avery. Every note making Avery slowly drift off to sleep.

While Avery slept, Myrene cried.

"My poor baby brother." She cried as she held herself on her bed.

"Why did you have to be so brave?" She questioned as she laid down and closed her eyes. Until she fell asleep with tears flowing down her face.



I'm sorry for this short chapter. The next two to three chapters will be about Avery's life. I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to post again this week!

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