Chapter 13

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     Avery's POV-

        "I could smell the demon from a mile away." Kapnós stated firmly. Making me stiffen slightly.

        "You with the mismatch eyes. What is your name?" He asked me.

        "Avery Downy." I stated. He gave a small nod.

         "Come forward Avery." He commanded. I did as I was told and walked towards him. Once I did he snorted loudly and stood tall.

        "Why are you here demon?" He questioned with a growl.

To Be Continued


     Roselyn's POV-

        "Why are you here demon?" 
Kapnós asked Avery.

        "What do you mean? She isn't a demon! Her test result came out as a witch!" I stated. My voice breaking slightly.

        "Well.. I have never been wrong before!" He argued.

        "Well you are wrong! Demons are extinct." I argued back.

        He snorted and said, " Okay,  fine. Then all she needs to do is walk into the lake."

        I scoffed at him and said, "Fine,  she will."

        I faced Avery and placed my hands onto her shoulder. Once I did I was able to feel her shaking.

        'What has you so scared.. Avery.. Are you.. No! She can't be! Demons are extinct!' I argued with myself and sighed.

        "Avery, we need you to enter the lake to prove you're a witch. Not a demon. Okay?" I asked her as I looked into her eyes.

        But not for long because once we made eye contact, she looked away. Avoiding my eyes. She sighed and bit her bottom lip as tears formed into her eyes.

        "There is no need.. Kapnós is right. I am.. A demon. The last of the demons. My parents were the generals of the demon army. But I was just a baby in the war! I HAD NO CHOICE IN ANYTHING! B-But Myrene.. She said.. That if I was found they would.. THEY WOULD KILL ME! And I couldn't let that happen. Myrene died to protect me. So I decided to stay in hiding for her. But now.. Now this dragon ruined it." She cried out. Tears streaming down from her beautiful mismatched eyes.

        Hayden slapped her cheek. His slap was loud and clear. As he looked at her in disgust. He spit onto her face. Then clucked his tongue and turned away from her.

        "Well now.. You will die. You should have never came. You are better off dead." He said as he walked away and headed back towards the cave.

        Elric followed him as we all stayed here. Brooklyn looked at her with slight disgust on her face. Before her look changed into what seemed like understandment. While Theo just stared at the ground. Porter.. He looked at her with worry. He placed a hand onto her shoulder and then gave her a slight nod.

        Avery just looked down. Then took off. Running in a different direction. Porter took off after her. As the rest of us just stood in shock.

        'How.. How come she didn't tell us?' I thought as tears slid down my cheeks.


     Avery's POV-

        I took off after looking at everyone's faces. As I ran I thought about everything that had happened.

        'Myrene.. Why did you keep me alive.' I thought as I ran towards the lake.

        Once there I bent down and washed Hayden's spit off my face. As I did I heard footsteps behind me.

        "Avery.." A raspy deep voice said.

        "Go away.." I said softly as I stared into my reflection. I saw Porter behind me with a hand raised slightly.

        I flinched slightly and watched as he placed his hand back down. He sighed as he moved beside me and sat down onto the ground.

        "What do you want?" I questioned him.

        I felt his hand grabbed my wrist as he pulled me into his lap and laid my head against his warm chest. I was able to hear his heart beat. It was increasing more and more. But then calmed back down as he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on top of mine.

        "Just let it out Avery. It is okay. I'm here for you."

        With that phrase I broke down and cried into his chest. My tears falling onto his shirt. As I cried he moved me to where I would be more comfortable. He moved my legs around his waist. After he did that I slid my hands around his neck as I moved my face into his collar bone. My tears had finally stopped as we just sat there. Hugging each other.



     Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I also hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for reading my story.

     Next chapter will be about Avery's past. So you will be able to meet Myrene! Can't wait to write more!


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