Chapter 11

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'My lady. What brings you all here?' I heard a beautiful sweet angelic voice say.

               To Be Continued


    Roselyn's POV-

        "What?" I questioned.

        'I asked what brings you here,  my lady?' The angelic voice asked again.

        "We are here on a quest." I stated.

        'What kind of quest?' The voice asked as the dragon tilted it's head to the side.

        A hand was placed onto my shoulder as I spun around to see Avery looking at me weirdly.

       "Um, Roselyn. Who are you speaking to and what language are you speaking?" She asked me, her eyes filled with confusion.

        I looked at her weirdly and asked, "You don't hear the voice? Also,  I was speaking English." My voice was laced with confusion as I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

       She shook her head as everyone began to stare at me.

        'My Lady,  the Witch is speaking the truth. You are speaking Dragon Tongue and for the voice you are talking to me.' The voice answered as I looked around and faced the dragon.

        "The dragon?" I asked getting a nod and snort from the dragon. Making me furrow my eyebrows agin,  trying to process what was happening. "You mean.. I'm having a conversation with a dragon in Dragon Tongue?" I questioned. Once again getting a nod from the dragon.

        'Yes,  my lady. Now about your quest.' She stated.

        "What about it?" I questioned her.

        'Follow me and you shall see.' She answered as she began to fly away.

        I quickly turned to face the group saying, "We have to follow her."

        "Follow who? The dragon?" Theo asked as they gathered their things.

        I nodded while saying, "Yes! She wants us to follow her."

        "And how do you know this?" Hayden asked.

        "I'll explain later! Come on let's go before it's too late!" I answered as I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran off the boat.

        I could hear a bunch of 'Wait up!' and 'Hold on!' before a bunch of footsteps followed behind me.

        "We have to hurry!" I exclaimed. "Before we loose her."

        With that we all began to run after her. Reminding me why I love to run through the woods. I took in a deep breath through my nose as I smelt the odors of the woods. The smell of the applewood trees were wonderful. I also love the wind blew through my hair. Making my hair fly behind me.

        A voice spoke making me snap out of my little moment.

        'My lady,  we are almost there.' The dragon spoke to me as she began to slow down and flew in front of us to land. Once she landed I raised my hand to command my group to stop. Once we all came to a halt. We moved towards where the dragon was and I moved towards her.

        "Now, before anything else. I've been meaning to ask you. What is your name?" I pondered.

        With this question she stood as high as she could and answered, 'My name is Chione. I am the General of the dragons,  my lady.'

        "Well Chione. Where are the other dragons?" I asked and she walked towards a cave.

        'Through here.' She replied before she disappeared into the cave.

        I looked towards everyone to see them just staring at me.

        "What?" I questioned them as I walked towards the cave and motioned them to follow. I heard some sighs before their footsteps. As we all entered the cave together.

        Once we entered we saw a beautiful area outside of the cave. The sun shone brightly and the grass was the greenest I had ever seen it. Not only that but dragons were everywhere.

        'Welcome to our home.' Chione said as she lead us to the head dragon.

        This dragon was huge. He was a gray colored dragon and twice the size of Chione. Which Chione bowed her head before she flew away.

       "My name is Kapnós. The head of the dragons." He told me. Before his eyes turned dark. "And why did you bring a demon here with you?"

              To Be Continued

    Sorry for this being late. But i hoped you enjoyed it! Also someone is working on a fanfiction of this story that you should check out. The story is called The Last Demon and it's by HippoLover298

So check it out! Thank you!

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