Chapter 21

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Previously on The Last Angel:

     The woman spoke as she looked down towards the dragon.

     "You're name is Celeri. Mine is Averlyn and this is Gabriel. The little one in my tummy-" she paused as she smiled down at her stomach and Gabriel rubbed Averlyn's stomach softly. "Is Roselyn."


Roselyn's POV-

    My vision blurred as I was now back in front of the dragon.


    I asked softly as the dragon's eyes flickered like it just registered something.

    'That is my name. I've been waiting for your return, Princess.'

     "You've been waiting?"

    I questioned Celeri confused on what Celeri met.

    'Yes, when you were born I was chosen to be your dragon. Your mother was very happy and trained me so I could protect you. But then the war broke out.'

     "But Kapnós said that our souls link us together. How were you chosen then?"

     I questioned Celeri as I sat down on the grass in front of the dragon.

     'Kapnós is correct. But we connected while you were still in Lady Averlyn's stomach. I had this urge to protect you once I was born. When she spoke your name I had a picture of the future. The day we meet again.'

    Celeri's angelic voice spoke to me as I listened closely.

    "So you saw this day? You saw how we met again."

    Celeri snorted and nodded her head. She walked towards me and bowed down.

    'I am your dragon. The Mystical Swift. I hope you will accept me.'
    I couldn't help but smile as I patted her head.

    "Of course I'll accept you!"

     I exclaimed as I stood up and stretched. I dusted my black jeans off. Then tilted my head in thought.

    "So.. What do we do now?"

    I questioned Celeri as I scratched my cheek softly.

    'Want to go for a ride?'

     Celeri asked me as I nodded my head then looking at her back with my left eyebrow raised.

     'Right.. We need a saddle.'


      Brooklyn's POV-

        I was outside the cabin that Avery and my brother shared. I could hear their yells and squeals, which was causing me from going in.

        'Mother and Father won't like that he is flirting with that Demon.'

         I thought to myself but shakes my head quickly and corrected myself.

         ' No it's Avery. I'm not sure why I thought that.. She is still Avery.'

         "Are you here to kill it as well?"

         A voice spoke behind me, making me turn around to see Hayden.
         "Or are you going to protect it?"

         He questioned as he clicked his tongue.

         "nervorum resolutiones"

         The words flew out of my mouth as Hayden stiffened up and fell over.

          "Brooklyn what did you do?"

          I could hear Porter yell as he ran towards Hayden.

          "He was trying to kill her!"

          My voice raised as tears formed in my eyes.

          "SO YOU PARALYZE HIM?! Your the biggest mistake ever! Why are you my sister? Why can't I have a normal sister."


         I mumbled as tears fell.

         "Why do I always get yelled at.."

         "Because you were a mistake!"


        I screamed at him as the wind picked up and twirled around.

        "I'm tired of this! Your not even my full sister! He isn't your father!"

        He slightly raised his voice as he stood up. Before he slapped a hand over his mouth.


       I stuttered out as the tears fell carelessly.

       "What do you mean?"

       My voice trembled as I spoke, my world collapsing all over again.

       "Mom slept with another man.."

       "Why are you saying these lies?"

       I dropped to the ground and hugged my legs close to me.

       "He was an evil witch. A dark witch. Worked for the demons."

       "Stop it."

        I pleaded as I covered my ears.

        "His name was Izah."


        I screamed as I felt numb all over. The wind flew by me and I heard a thump.

        I looked over to see Porter on the ground with water wrapped around him.

        "I said to stop."



   To be continued in the next chapter. Which is also where two new species with appear. One of the species a reader of mine HippoLover298 gave me the idea to put it in. Elves, similar to the Lord of the Rings, well some what.

    The next will be revealed at the end of the next chapter. Read to find out what it is and I promise the next chapter will be a lot longer.

    Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

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