Chapter 19

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Previously on The Last Angel

Third Person's POV-

   Now standing in front of Porter was Avery in her demonic form. She had black horns coming out of her head. She also had huge black wings sticking out of her back. Her eyes were fully dark orange and it had a pretty glowy look to it. She was floating above the ground slightly thanks to her wings. She had her hand up as a clear bubble was formed around her and Porter. As she glared at Hayden she growled. Slowly lifting up her top lip showing that her teeth were now sharp like canine teeth.

     Porter decided to lighten up the mood a little by saying,"Well, now I know not to get on her bad side."


Third Person's POV-

      Elrik nodded at Porter's statement while Hayden clicked his tongue. A smirk plastered onto his face.

      "So the demon came out to play." Hayden stated with his smirk still in place.

       Avery growled and then began to smirk. "Why yes Hayden. I've come out to play with your bones." She practically purred out.

       She moved her hand down and flicked her wrist towards Porter. The bubble let her through but stayed around Porter.

       "Now.. I wonder.. Should I play with you some first?" She purred as she circled around them. Once she saw Elrik's face she couldn't help but giggle.

       Elrik looked like he was about to piss himself. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open. His face was paler than normal.

       "Avery? Is that you?"

        Another voice came from behind her. Causing her to turn around. Standing there was Roselyn, Theo, and Brooklyn.

        "Hey guys. Yes it's me. I'm just playing with these jerks." Avery answered with a small purr.


        "Why Roselyn? Because they tried to hurt me. They tried to hurt Porter. Well Hayden tried all that while Elrik stayed back like a scaredy cat." Avery spoke and felt pain in her side.

         "Ah, since I looked away you took it as your chance to attack. Right Hayden?" Avery purred as she saw black blood ooze out onto the sword. She then watched as he yanked it out of her.

          She giggled as she turned around to face him while her wound closed up. She giggled more as she saw his face become pale.

          "Sweetheart, I'm a demon. A small sword as yours won't kill me." Her giggle was high pitched and she turned back to normal. A black smoke swirling around her.

          She landed on the ground like a feather. As she did she glared at Hayden.

         "Now, are we even?"

         "We will never be even. Demon." He hissed out.

         Avery shrugged and turned around walking towards the group saying," Well, I tried."

         As she walked pass them the bubble around Porter dissolves away. Once it was gone Porter ran to catch up to her yelling,"Wait Up Avery!"

         Porter ran up to her and chuckled.

         "You're different from most girls. Ya know that?"

         "I know."

         Avery replied quickly and blushed.

         Porter chuckled and crossed his arms behind his neck while saying,"I think it's cute with how different you are."

         He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and grinned when he saw her cheeks become an apple red.

          "Cute? Pul-ease." Avery spoke with sarcasm.

          "But it's true." Porter replied to her as he winked at her.

           "Wow. Wouldn't have thought you were such a flirt, Porky." Avery grinned as she saw a pout form onto his face.

            "Porky? Really?" He whined as he grabbed her arm and pulled her into him. "Well then. If I'm pork I must be delicious." He purred out before chuckling at the tomato faced girl in front of him.

            "I'm just messing with you, princess." He said as he began to walk again with his hands behind his head.

            "J-Jerk!" Avery stuttered as she followed behind him.

             "So now I'm beef jerky?" He laughed out as she pouted.

             "Whatever." Avery grumbled.

              Porter laughed as the two walked until they ran across Roselyn. She was sitting outside a cabin and smiled at the two.

              "Hey guys. This is where you two will be staying.. sorry no one else wants to share with Avery I would but Theo wants to bunk with me. So since you two are getting along I thought it would be fine." Roselyn spoke with a smile as she walked up to Avery.

           "I'm glad your okay now Avs. I hope we are still friends." She spoke with a small smile on her face.

           Avery stood there in shock.

           "You still want to be friends even though I'm a demon?"

            Roselyn nodded immediately after the question.

            "Of course. Because if you were going to kill us you could've done it while we were asleep. I'm not an idiot like the others." She gave a small laugh once she go wished speaking.

             Tears fell down Avery's cheeks as she hugged Roselyn.

              "Thank you."

              Roselyn hugged back mumbling,"Anytime."

          When they delegated Roselyn disappeared while the other two walked in the cabin. When they walked in they found their luggage inside.

          There was just one problem...

          "There is only one bed.." Porter spoke softly as a blush formed onto his cheeks.

          "I'll take the couch." Avery offered only to find out there was none. "Nervermind.. just keep your hands to yourself and you will wake up tomorrow."

         She spoke with a sweet smile. Sending shivers down Porter's spine. He gave a quick nod and he grabbed a pair of shorts from his bag and went to the bathroom to change, while Avery searched for her pjs.

         When he came out she couldn't help but blush and loom away. He was just wear black shorts and that was it
His hair was still slightly wet from the lake. Giving him a messy look that sent shivers down Avery's body. But she looked away and went to change as well. She saw a shower in there and decided to shower first. Once she was finished washing herself in her orange and vanilla shampoo and conditioner. She rinsed it out and reached her arm out to grab her towel.

         Once she grabbed her yellow towel she wrapped it around herself. Barely able to get the towel to fit around her body. She stepped out. Only to see Porter brushing his teeth.

         They both stood there shocked and blushing. Before Porter walked out as she chased him with her shoe. Then waltzed back to the bathroom changing into a blue cropped t-shirt with a white bunny on it. Black highwaisted shorts. And white bunny slippers. She washed her face and brushed her teeth then walked into the bedroom and plopped onto the bed going to sleep.



     There you have it. Sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I've been sick this passed couple of days but I wanted to publish this before this month is over. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!

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