Chapter 27

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Roselyn's POV-

"The war? It started?"

I panicked, raising my tone of voice slightly.

Coal replied with a nod.

"Yes, the war had started a few hours ago. A few demons have come out and we are currently fighting them and the evil witches."


"We were able to push them from here to the forest near where the rogue wolves live."

"Well then let's go."


No One's POV-

A silve glow has surrounded  Roselyn as those words tumbled out of her mouth. When the glow died down Roselyn had white fluffy wings.

(Her wings and outfit-)

Her hair turned into a full silver with blackish roots

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Her hair turned into a full silver with blackish roots. Her eyes were the brightest blue with white specks in them. Her lips were a rosey pink and her skin flawless.

She actually looked like an angel, a goddess.


Coal gasped as he stared at her.


She questioned before she flew off. The two reapers faded into smoke before following after her. All three of them rushed to the battle fields.

When they got there Roselyn heard a roar. Celeri was behind them with five other dragons following.

'We are here to help.'

Roselyn smiled and gave a nod.

'Go help the others.'

She spoke before she landed on the ground with a small thud.

Her father was in wolf form fighting off a demon with Theo.

Roselyn closed her eyes and a glowing barrier protected them two.


Theo said as he turned around and saw her. His mouth hanging open slightly as he took in her new features.

"Stand back."

She spoke firmly, Avery appearing beside her with the two reapers.

"Hey. Need some help?"

Avery questioned as she summoned a couple of panther and bat mixes.


Roselyn's POV-

I laughed before summoning white lionesses with eagle wings.

"Not really but you can take the right side, I got the left."

She huffed before nodding and flew off with her dark summons.

As we fought the creatures, demons, and evil witches. I began to feel something bad happening. When I spun around. I screamed loudly at the image I saw.

Coal was blocking Theo from getting hurt, a sword in his stomach. He fell to the ground and I flew to him, catching him before he hit the ground.

"Coal! You're going to be okay."

I sobbed out as I held him close.

"I had to save him... for you.."

He coughed out as blood trickled down from his mouth.


"Because.. I love you."

After those words were spoken he was staring off into space, not breathing. His eyes held no more life.


Amethyst yelled as she ran over here.

"I'm sorry Rose."

Theo said as a few tears fell down as he looked at me.

"He is gone.."

I trailed off before I stood up shakily.

'He loved me.'

That was what made me blow up in emotions.

I screamed causing a burst of wind fly out, knocking all enemies in a hundred miles to fall down.

"Rose stop!"

Avery yelled as she came to me.

"If you let your anger take control you won't be able to come back."

"What do you mean?"

I calmed down some and looked at her.

"I mean, if your anger consumes you, you become evil."

"But Coal! He is dead!"

I cried out as I fell to the ground, my wings wrapping around my body like a blanket.

"I know. But you have to stay calm."

"They need to die. All of them."

I growled out as I slowly morphed into my wolf form. Then took off biting all the enemies heads off that were in my way.


A familiar voice yelled. I looked behind me to see my father.

"We were able to resurrect Coal!"

At the mention of his name I ran back to his scent.

When I got there I saw him still lying down with Amethyst holding him.

"Is he?"

I questioned as I got closer.

"He has a small pulse. But he needs medical attention."

I nodded before morphing back to my human form. I placed my hands against his check before a pink tint washed over my cheeks.

I hummed a tune before leaning down and placing my lips against his.

As I did all cuts and bruises began to heal. The hole in his stomach slowly stitched together. Then I felt his lips began to move against mine slowly. My blush deepened before I pulled away.

Theo stood there glaring slightly but morphed back into wolf form and took off.


Coal coughed out as his cheeks were red. I smiled at him and began to speak but couldn't figure out how to tell him.





So the beginning of the next chapter we find out what the object Roselyn chosed was. What do you think she picked? Let me know down in the comments.

Also happy 4th of July everyone! :) have a great day!!

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