Chapter 9

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Roselyn's POV-

        I had been sent to my dorm room where I had to rest for a couple of days. I wasn't allowed to leave, so Theo would come and visit me. We would sometimes cuddle and just talk about random things. It was nice. Nice being with Theo.

        So today is the day where I can start classes, well, so I thought.

        I had walked into the office with the Head Master's Secretary. She was nice but she smelt like a vampire. I dislike the smell. It smells like a mixture or irons and coconut. I hate coconut.

        The Head Master was sitting in the chair in front of the desk facing the wall. He was where I could not see him.

        "You're very lucky,  Roselyn. No one has ever see what I look like. But I wanted to see what an Arch Angel looks like." He stated as he spun around. Once he faced me my jaw dropped.

        "Y-You're-" was all I could get out.

        "Yes. It's me." He said as he stood up and walked up to me,  placing a hand on my shoulder.

        "My little Rose." He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

        "That is why you knew where the infirmary was and didn't have to ask. That is also why you were coming here." I stated as all the answers clicked in me.

        "Yes,  my clever little Rose." He smiled down at me as he touched my cheek.

        "Papa,  why didn't you tell me sooner?" I questioned my father as I tilted my head to the side.

        "My identity had to be a secret. I couldn't let anyone find out who I was." He said as his finger poked my nose.

        "So,  why did you ask me to come? I know it wasn't just for me to find out who you are." I said as I gave him a questioning look.

        He chuckled and ruffled my hair making me pout. "You're right. That is because since you are an Arch Angel. You get a dragon. But to do so you need to go on a quest with a few chosen people. Which I think you will be satisfied on who is chosen."

       "Who?" I questioned.

       "Theo,  Hayden,  Porter,  Avery,  Brooklyn,  and Elric." He said with a wide smile.

       "I know MOST of those people." I smiled and nodded to myself.

       "So,  do you accept?" He asked.

       "Yes,  I accept this quest."

       "Good because you leave tonight. I will let the others know. Also, Rose,  be careful." He said as he hugged me again.

       "Always." I kissed his cheek and left to go pack up for this quest.


Sorry for the short chapter! I have been packed with work. I will try and update a longer one next time! I promise! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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